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THE PLAN came out at the latest CPAC meeting and Trump and QAnon are going for this as if they are really onto something. Apparently they think Trump can be reinstated "in days" if this plan is followed. I'm sitting back laughing, amazed that anyone could believe this at all. The machine of government does not work this way. IF Trump was elected in place of Pelosi there is still no guarantee that this idea would work for him. They just do not give up and the supporters keep on believing.


DenoPenno 9 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't y'll think that QAnon and Trump will hurt the Republican Party, the elections and their chances of getting majority in the Congress in the next 5 years? Isn't this all playing in Democrats' hands?


Goodbye, Democracy!
These idiots will keep going all the way to armed insurrection, for real this time.
Our only recourse will be to respond with force in kind, one way or the other.
The result: who knows? But we're about to find out!


If he becomes Speaker of the House, he'd be 3rd in succession for the presidency. I would not put it past him/them to try and assassinate Biden and Harris. That's right. A bloody coup.

barjoe Level 9 July 11, 2021

The plan is to impeach them both and then Trump just steps in because he is next in line. Even if he takes Pelosi's seat it simply does not happen this way with no questions asked, and it does not all happen quickly. The one thing "the plan" is beginning to show is that they know there is no "reinstatement." Trump has one chance of being POTUS again and that is to get elected in 2024. It is that only unless he and his people want a coup.

@DenoPenno They can't get 2/3 for removal. They wouldn't stop at murder.


I wanna send the entire Trump Crime Family into space!


Yeah, I've seen this, motivated reasoning on crack. I guess if one actually believes there is a cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles running the Democratic party it sort of makes sense. Decades of listening to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones have turned a lot of brains into porridge.

So has decades of listening to CNN and MSNBC. Americans, including Latin and North, tend to believe in mysterious forces which have consequence to physical "reality" so their idea is not outlandish for them. It would seem to be for law except that time-and-time-again we see law unable to stop the "dangerous" situations their mindsets put in action. Part of our problem, I think, is that we all want an exacting degree of proof for things so any degree of denial keeps them alive. In trying to disprove the denial investigation discovers that what we were told was truth isn't and that seems to increase their claim. They gain support, law loses support, and what we thought couldn't happen suddenly does (or something like it). This is how we end up on CNN with our thumbs up our ass whining about the injustice of it all.

@rainmanjr I agree all MSM is infotainment today. Still, being nothing but tools of the White House and corporate America doesn't hold a candle to "Stop the Steal" and related nonsense.

@rainmanjr Sorry, your foundational premise is false: there is NO similarity between Newsmax, Fox News, etc., and CNN and MSNBC, etc.
The former is delusional, the latter is factual.
If you don't believe that, it's your problem.

@Storm1752 They are all products created for a targeted demographic. Yes, the right is more out of touch with reality than CNN etc, but neither are "factual."


I hope the fences in Washington are not being taken down too quickly.

Unfortunately they are. Already they're dismantling them. I think it's premature, also. At least wait until 8/13!

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