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Life is what we all do, and then we are gone. What person in your lifetime, whether famous or not, do you think has paralleled your life?

Ride_Captain 7 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it comes down to humility,sincerity,and always seeking to listen and learn

Rosh Level 7 Apr 19, 2018

My best friend and I have a lot of synchronicity ...I guess him


Funily enough an ex of mine in a lot of ways, she would be the closest.
We both had shit childhoods and marriages, a violent alcoholic parent, drug f$%#@d brothers, were decent amatuer swimmers, kept fish as a hobby, our exs had the same psych diagnosies, we were both into computers when we met and had both established and run multiple successful small businesses.
Many differences also, but, I share my birthday with her grandmother and she shares hers with mine and both grandmothers were called "Dorrie".


I don't know if anybody has paralleled my life, but if there is then I feel truly sorry for the poor bastard.


I'm fine with both. I didn't care for the Beatles boy band phase but it was still pretty good. The stones have made so much great music over the decades. It's a double win for music lovers.

I thought I was the only one who considered them as a boy band. I feel redeamed!

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