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”If there's one thing we have become accustomed to recently in this pandemic, it's loneliness.” I feel many of us on this site will agree wholeheartedly. []

JackPedigo 9 July 23

Enjoy being online again!

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In response to an advert in a member only buy, sell & swap group on another site I wrote the following in response to a woman advertising for in this time of lockdown freely give your surplus to those unable to pay". I responded as follows:
Excellent intelligent comment Jxxxxxxxxxxc. It follows from Professor Cipolla's laws. []

I am currently looking for telephone conversationalists of any age who do not fit into the stupid, helpless or bandit categories. Conversation topics that I'm not interested in are religion, politics, sport, sales pitches or spam, electronic games & ego boosts.
Anyone of any age over 18 are invited to message me with their topic(s) of conversation. If I am able to converse with you I will invite you to supply your number or ring mine. Thanks.

Imagine my surprise when my reply disappeared an hour later. Then the advert. The advert was then reposted & so I responded with an uplifting meme praising the concept. Lo & behold some time later the advert disappeared again.

What should I conclude from this?
Or should I repeat the offer here & form a group dedicated to one on one phone converdations? The offer however has been on my profile for 3 years.


Initially I cut down my social contacts a great deal. I had a couple of trusted friends that I knew were very very careful and usually saw one or both of them every week so I was not completely isolated. As soon as the vaccine became available we got vaccinated and that increased my bubble to about 16 people. I miss live music and have been able to enjoy that twice this year when I used to enjoy it at least once a week. I have substituted food for activity and that has made me blossom in all the wrong places.

Our 16 person bubble now enjoys game night once a week and 6 of us do a Wednesday night supper club where we rotate cooks. I went to music last Sunday because it was outside then it rained and we went inside and I had to wear a mask the whole time to feel safe. I feel I am luckier than most when it comes to loneliness but sometimes I just get slightly angry that in this last part of my life I have lost some of the joy I was looking forward to.

Sounds a bit like my situation. I have a couple of very close friends who turned out to be anti-vaxxers. Whenever they went to see family in Central Washington I had to do a voluntary quarantine. Things are opening up here but because of people like my friends things will start to close again. It was found 3 + tests from one person from each island.


I've been lonely for years, and now it's become mainstream.

Maybe there should be a group for people like us.

@JackPedigo lol, its called and it has 1000+ groups.


Relationship is more important than food for our immune system. Also fear plays a major part of destroying our immune system.

Our leader of our province, states about our heavy lockdown. He does not want any assembly of any kind and its not just about covid. That's slavery, treason and criminal in my books.

They tell us, who can work and who can't.= Poverty and lack of health. About 78% who die of covid are obese. Only proven covid death certification, is 6% purely caused by covid.

One has to ask, what is more important jobs or life? We need to take this pandemic serious. Parts of Canada have been hit hard. I get CBC2 and hear some of the reports. People, in Point Roberts (part of Washington in Canada) have been trapped. They are in Canadian territory but can't leave because they aren't allowed to enter Canada (which they need to do to leave Canada).

Relationship is more important than food for our immune system. Also fear plays a major part of destroying our immune system.

Our leader of our province, states about our heavy lockdown. He does not want any assembly of any kind and its not just about covid. That's slavery, treason and criminal in my books.

They tell us, who can work and who can't.= Poverty and lack of health. About 78% who die of covid are obese. Only proven covid death certification, is 6% purely caused by covid.

Everybody dies, not everyone lives.
Covid and vaccines are causing more forms of death and lack of living.

By the way, since the vaccines roll out, the covid deaths have doubled in speed. It will be a very dark winter and Gates says look forward to 10 time worst pandemic waves in the future. He has been correct so far.

@Castlepaloma Give me a break. If vaccines don't work why have the 'true' numbers gone way down? From information from real, science based media it is those that have not taken the vaccine that are getting sick and allowing the virus to mutate into the more deadly Delta version.

Fact, people can and do live without relationships but die without food or water.

UK among the most vaccinated countries . Its vaccines has mutationed into another strain of covid virus. The new wave of Tropical climates covid, has doubled the speed of Spread worldwide covid deaths. Your Government claim to give us freedom, and the evil pharmacist become life savior. Same bs from the multimedia brocken parrots sponsored by corrupted corporations ism.. They have all lie to us repeatedly , as usual.

@Castlepaloma Funny, but our county has the highest rate of vaccinations in the state and one of the highest in the county. We just got word we had one illness from someone who was unvaccinated. Otherwise we have had no infections for a couple of months. If the vaccines were such a mistake why have the sicknesses gone way down? Yes, some with a vaccine are getting sick. From the outset it was said to be 96% effective. That means out of 100 4 would contract the virus. The true numbers has been 99.5% effective.
When people go unvaccinated they get the virus and it mutates. This mutation has led to a higher infection rate. It may jump the efficacy of the vaccine and we may have to go back to lock-downs again.


I'm now cheering on vaccines, it's mainly the ones who blindly follow their slave masters.
I saw at the G7 a photo of all the leaders standing 6 feet away from each other wearing masks. Hidden photo exposed all of them drinking, hugging, kissing and dancing together. They can travel anywhere they want in the world. Its all fake fairly tales forks. Puppet masters show them the money, to make sure the money always Trickles up, not down.

Countries that do no lockdown or very little vaccines and covid testing are about the same or better than countries heavily vaccinated.

@Castlepaloma I was agreeing with everything until the last part. If it is true why bother with vaccines. The reduction in infections with the advent of the vaccine was just a coincidence? No. Just like climate change. the facts are there for everyone to clearly see.


Climate change is the next lockdown. It's all about control and power


I am not rejoining my social club, the one I was president of for 5 years.....I found out I prefer less idle chit-chat, and more money in the bank, plus the house & yard have never looked better!


I was feeling pretty lonely before the pandemic. The pandemic kicked it up a notch.


Depression . Loneliness , ok . The depression and anxiety that covid brought has got even the bravest and the toughest health care providers on their knees .

And yet there are those (many) who think it's all a conspiracy. It must even harder to help those who have brought the illness on themselves because of their own stupidity.



bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2021

I guess I was really lucky this past year. For some strange reason during the pandemic I have felt less lonely than ever before in my life. It could be that the forced isolation made the socially distanced gatherings I attended all the more precious and everyone I knew attended since there wasn't a whole lot else to do! I was able to form a camaraderie with previously just faint acquaintances I'd seen around.

Quiet full moon socially distanced beach parties, gathering together outdoors at live music concerts, dancing distantly in the moonlight with no pressure about having to contribute to a potluck - just coming self contained with food/drink myself - was right up my alley.

I feel I've blossomed into a more social being in some ways - since I'm naturally a loner. I've enjoyed taking walks outdoors and having great chats with people - and sharing humor and fun times with people I might not ever had the time to meet if I was working all the time like before. The extra time this past year allowed me to be more social rather than less.

I'm the type of person who naturally enjoys being alone - but now I have a network of people I can meet up with for fun times - that I might not have met without the pandemic steering us to find each other for a social outlet.

The smaller groups (we were limited to 10 at first, then 25 people, now 50) were easier for me to be friendly to new people, than if they were the big concerts where people stick mainly to their dates or group friends, and I wouldn't attend if I didn't have a date. With the pandemic, it seems far more acceptable to go places myself and enjoy people from a distance. I was able to create a small safe social bubble where a little more closeness felt safe. Now that we are all vaccinated, all the better!

I guess you're one of the lucky ones. For the past 4 years I have been involved with this very active community. I too tend to be a loner but my late partner, a super extrovert, got me used to being more socially active. Unfortunately, this community took the virus very seriously (we had the lowest rate in the state and the 2nnd lowest with no deaths in the country. After the vaccine came out we had/have the highest vaccine rate in the state). That meant almost all activity stopped and we became Zoom addicts. It was a very rough year for many of us. Now things are opening up and will get better BUT it was just announced there are 3 (one on each island) new cases.

Yes, I admit I'm super lucky to have been in a small community which had very little risk since we were all stuck here with any newcomers having to quarantine, so it was safe to gather, and so gather we did, safely and in small groups. In a larger community, I likely would have died of loneliness (figuratively) and it was a mutual love of live music events with acquaintances that saved me. I'm good in small groups - but feel terribly alone in a larger community where people don't reach out as much. Here on this tiny island in the middle of the Pacific, we are stuck at each other's mercy and feel a kinship with one another about that. I'm one of the rare ones who thrived during the pandemic with the perfect storm of extra time and caring neighbors.

@Julie808 You are fortunate to live in a predominantly service providing area of tourism. The citizens are more open to talking to strangers than occurs in the agriculture based xenophobic community that I live in - strangers are here to take us to the devil, defile our daughters, steal our sheep, molest our children if single males over 40 or burn our crops!


The shutdown was the best year of my life.

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