I am taking it for granted that all you fine people on this site are intelligent. I Highly recommend "Decoding the Weather Machine" on PBS. ANY questions you might of had about the effect Climate Change is and will have on us and this planet will be answered.
There seems to be a spectrum between the science of climate change and the weather cyclists (who believe this is a normal cycle of weather). Both sides basically agree that weather patterns are changing -- but to the degree of man's involvement in this change. I prefer science over the nay-sayers, but I do not accept that climate changes is 100% caused by man -- we have exacerbated this change, and our children or grandchildren will pay for our technologies growth. Either side of this spectrum -- would it hurt to try and clean up our environment rather than simply do nothing?
Great program! Watching now. Explains it clearly, but nothing is going to change the deniers' minds until their homes are washed away by floods. Maybe not even then. I sold my Florida island waterfront cottage 3-years ago because it was obvious to me that its future existence was limited, even though the "Sell By..." date wasn't printed on it. They have their heads in the sand in Florida (by state law), yet will be the very first huge areas wiped-out. Won't be long. People believe what they want to believe. It's like with religion, Trump and many other such topics. There's just no reasoning with them.
Good for you on getting rid of your property in Florida.
I have friends down there and...
They just won't listen to reason...
Here in NC, one coastal municipality banned the βbadβ words from their proceedings: flood, coastline change, etc. Total head-in-the-sand tactic, inspired by greed.
That's a highly optimistic assumption.
I'm semi optimistic.