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Is anyone near Interstate-80 between Kearney, Nebraska and Iowa City, Iowa, who would be willing to let me park in their driveway/on their property overnight on August 13th or 14th? I’ll sleep in my car, but pre-sleep potty access would be appreciated. On my way to Wisconsin either of those days, if convenient for you. PM me sooner than later, please, so I can make alternate plans if necessary. Would like to get as close to Iowa City as possible.

KateOahu 8 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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That's such an exciting adventure..!
Keep us posted, and let me know if you get close to Pittsburgh!

I do not expect to get to PA this trip, but maybe next year.

@MsKathleen I wish I had your ambition, that is exciting!
But do be careful.. there are a lot of crazy dangerous people out there !
Ibut ido watch criminal minds often..!!! Lol

@Buddha Are you so sure that I am not one of them?

@MsKathleen ah, what criminal minds episode are you in ? Lol

@Buddha Episodes?…everyone knows I do not watch television.


One of the bigger truck stops would be safer. And they allow anyone to shower for a few bucks. Might be a bit noisy but way safer.

The problem with truck stops is lot lizards, who knock on windows, regardless of one’s sex. I will do that, if necessary, however.


Yes this is a bit worrying . Be safe.

Thank you, I always am. And I have defensive devices.


Seems like there should be a rest stop on 80 with restrooms...🤔
Hope you have a safe trip!

Rest stops are dangerous places for women alone at night. I would never sleep at one.

@MsKathleen A busy well lit rest stop is probably safer than a strangers driveway but what do I know.....

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