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Who did you love the most in your family
As for me my mom
What about you?

Sandrajoy101 2 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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It wouldn't be anyone in my family, as my parents are dead and my siblings are pretty much estranged from me, and have been for most of my adult life. So it would have to be my best friend, as my friends have been my real family for a few decades now, with the exception of my late wife, who I loved the most while she was alive.


Myself, of course!
Seriously, the mother of my children, my children and the children of my children have equal importance. I abhor any form of favouritism.
.... by the way, welcome to the godlessness of this friendly site.


Hello and welcome enjoy the site. And do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone. But sorry I don't have a family, so if you asked me who I love most, it would have to be my best friend.


Don't have a family.

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