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Over 1600 new cases yesterday and Oklahoma doesn't have a mask mandate!

Lorajay 9 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I’d just like to mention one thing that recently occurred to me. I very recently quit smoking cigarettes after being a dedicated cigarette smoker for nearly 50 years…
Smoking tobacco directly or indirectly causes the deaths of upwards of 500,000 people ANNUALLY… yet it’s not only tolerated, but also seems to be acceptable. I’m not advocating that people who smoke should stop, nor that people who don’t should start. It just seems interesting that very few people get so up in arms over literally hundreds of deaths every year. Yet along comes this “pandemic” and everyone’s freaking out. Ok… you wanna really freak out… watch the documentary on Amazon prime called “The Planet of The Humans”… if that doesn’t freak you out… somethings really wrong.


Fortunately we have more freedom here in Oklahoma and also a very low number of Covid cases.


PA _ just started offering child vaccines . Our cases are spiking also- companies are at a lost as to which POLICY is pertinate...I wear one indoors( cdc) but most manufacturers are going by what OSHA says. I believe there are going to be alot of BAD statistics on the other side of this🦉☯️😔


Out today in CT, all places I went have signs requiring masks to enter, most cashiers had latex gloves as well. Even though vaxxed 6 months ago, I appreciate it a lot!


Of course they don't, they are rethugs

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