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And your mother will say, "My son the doctor".

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Aug 5

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Or, you could read the medical literature , like I do. []

BDair Level 8 Aug 5, 2021

Where @BDair, @CourtJester & a few others spend 24/7 just soaking it in!

You have lots of opinions, but you are always short on facts.

@BDair so, where do you get all your silly "facts"????

From the medical and science publications and presentations and articles by world renown experts in the field. Unlike you who constantly regurgitates your personal opinion without the benefit of critical thinking skills.

@BDair like your "South American DERMATOLOGIST fighting COVID with Ivermectin"??????
She's probably the best you will ever come up with, too

Mexico city eradicated CV19 with Ivermectin. Some day, you will pull out of your rectal cranial inversion and actually learn something new.


Far too many “graduates” already.

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