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Taking with some atheist, you would think the best way to reduce religiosity is through score and browbeating.
Government vs. God? People are less religious when government is bigger, research says


JeffB 6 Apr 19

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The last thing we need is bigger government. What we really need is to promote science more, and teaching our youth to ask questions.


Well we all know what happens there....

The trick is to have more atheists with less government.

I'm no real fan of government, but the lesson, if I understand it right is that society might need to do a better job. Ether by providing social services and having a situation where that they are not needed.


Religion get them more votes. Go vote.


If the Gov't is providing for their needs, people don't need a god who is useless anyway.

More likely it is the Anti-Christ sitting in the Oval Office.@irascible

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