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Who is your favorite philosopher in history or today and why?

Mine is Francis Bacon. The idols do a great job defining issues with human perception while trying to understand the external world.

Welsh_dude 4 Apr 19

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David Hume. Sceptic, atheist, bon viveur.


Albert Camus.

You stole my comment.


Rene Descartes, because his theories are very interesting to me.


Derrick Jensen.


Ditto on Carlin!


Does George Carlin count as a philosopher? I don't think I need to explain...

How do you define a philosopher and how does Carlin fit. I know Carlin, just curious of your opinion.


“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature made them.”
― Bertrand Russell, New Hopes for a Changing World


Diogenes the masturbator.

Because if you’re going to do it, at least be remembered eternally for doing it.


Mine is also Francis Bacon, he gave me the last piece I needed to drop all religion and other crap totally.


I have no favorite philosopher...I theorize and think enough to expand my way of being...I don't need some dead person to tell me how to think...and to be honest most people are better educated now that we can think for ourselves...deep thoughts...all we have to to is write them down in a meaningful way that are easy to understand by people who need puppets and cartoons to understand


Songwriter John Mellencamp:
'Who's to a man's to spend his day?'


Aristotle - he is considered the "Father of Western Philosophy", which inherited almost its entire lexicon from his teachings, including problems and methods of inquiry, so influencing almost all forms of knowledge.
His writings cover many subjects – including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, politics and government.

gater Level 7 Apr 19, 2018
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