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And the last of my favorites for ending the zealot's discussion;
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” ~ Stephen Roberts

MrRadi8 4 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I don’t dismiss any of them. They are the unfolding of human nature just as evolution created it. We may just as well deny elbows as to deny gods. Humans no more created gods than gods created humans. They were both created by evolution. Cherry-picking science is little different from cherry-picking religions.

skado Level 9 Apr 19, 2018

@MrRadi8 Mr. Jillette is well meaning but ill-informed. Religions as diverse and as similar would reappear faster than would science. They are not stories people thought up. They are emergent properties of the human mind and as "real" and as universal as the fear of snakes or the mother's love of her child. If gods don't exist then neither do hunger, ambition, or xenophobia. They have all consistently appeared in every human population, in every location on earth, as far back into our history as any evidence can illuminate.


yes, this was my favorite back in the day. I'd claim there were approxinately 2,500 major deities in the existence of human worship and while I may be an atheist believing in 0/2,500 ... they were 99.99975% atheist believing in 1/2,500.

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