I don't know if this is violating some taboo so if Admin decides to kick it off, I'll understand.
A couple of folks have asked about my writing so here is an example of one of my books and also a teaser for an anthology series I've done. 10 volumes to date and am contemplating the 11th and final one.
I just noticed you live in Hobbs. ANother New MExican!
Would you like to know why I'm here?
I was on my way back to Juarez and my car broke down.
sorry. is that where you live?
Beautiful Hobbs, New Mexico on the edge of the Permian Basin. All we have here are oil wells and churches. Heavy emphasis on the churches. I've been here since 2000.
Thank you for sharing. Looks like Kindle has Xenogenesis available. I read the sample and was hooked by the first page. I'll download it and read it when I have more than nine dollars to my name.
Thanks, webbew1. I'll send the Big Guy a money prayer for you.