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The truth but the system will never have the power as we have

AmerCherhal 4 Aug 27

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I think that is often true, as far as it being used to distract or invalidate someone telling a truth that is damaging or inconvenient to someone else's ideology, so PC is used as a weapon to avoid debate or discussion of whether the speaker's point is valid or the truth, no matter how uncomfortable or offended the listener may be about hearing that viewpoint. I especially resent it when someone else who, like me is on the left of the political spectrum, uses PC to shut me up about saying something that makes them uncomfortable to hear, no matter how true, and they pull out standards of PC to come off holier than thou or more purely lefty than thou, and thus try to intimidate me or shut me up as not being as pure or virtuous as them. Needless to say, it doesn't work on me...

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