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Night shifts done, gym or bed?

Josephine 7 Apr 20

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Such a loaded question, but gym in bed whenever possible! Otherwise I find a regular workout right before sleep to deter sleep, so prefer to do it earlier


Those gains won't stick if you don't sleep/recover. Hit the sack if you haven't already.


Gym in bed.




How tired are you ?


If you were a nurse here I would say bed, the phone is likely to ring and you would get called back in, best to sleep at every opportunity available.

@Josephine Here they send a cab to come and get you if you don't answer. If you say you are too drunk to work they take you back to the hospital to test your blood alcohol to see if you can. There has been multiple cases where nurses get pulled over for impaired driving due to lack of sleep and lose their licenses. In some departments at the hospitals over half of the time the nurses are working compulsory overtime. I have a sister who is a RN working Neo-natal intensive care. She has been retired for 2 years but, agreed to work casual for 1 or 2 shifts a month, they call her every day.

@Josephine Overtime here comes as both mandatory and if they can find you. There are no nurses out of work for long here. The worst injustice is to the casual nurses, this is where they don't have a full time position and can be called in for shifts in a number of hospitals. Many work a lot more hours but, don't get benefits. One friend of mine works 70 hours per week and if they say no to a shift they can find themselves getting 0 hours per week but, still unable to take a full-time job.


I would say bed. A workout might make you wired and not be able to sleep later.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

Tell you sunday morning after mine, there is always shopping 😉




Gym!! Then bed!


Haven't done night shift for about 8 years, would finish about dawn, walk to the ocean and swim the estuary home, Then coffee. What are these gym and bed of which you speak? Coffee fixes all,


No. It's more time on the computer. Gotta get those double points here somehow. 😉




I take naps to reboot
1/2 hour here sometimes two hours
The pollen tranquilizes me this time of year


Gym is always the right answer.

can't go wrong


I worked the midnight shift for 25 years. I liked working nights.


I would suggest bed first. Your circadian rhythm has already been interrupted so you need plenty of rest.


You can sleep when youre dead

moxy Level 4 Apr 20, 2018

I want to go to the gym, but I can't until I'm better.


Bed. Workouts should take place when one is at full strength.


Use the force!


Depends on who is going to be in bed with you, doesn't it ?

@Josephine The slang word for cat will do for me yes thanks !

@Josephine That will do as long as everyone understands the term does not mean underaged cat ?

@Josephine you are sharp ? I like that. Kiss kiss

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