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Godaddy is cutting off the Texas website running the whistle-blower abortion website. Now, Texas has to find another web provider. One company finally stepping up.

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Beowulfsfriend 9 Sep 3

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And it could also be that the abortion pill will become a major item on the black market.


Wonderful news.


Good for GoDaddy! 👍👍


The abortions (sorry, I mean legislators - not sorry) of Austin need to be flushed down the toilet and that law needs to be asswiped from the statute book.


I'm sure TX will do that but this is very noteworthy of Godaddy. TX and their friends need to be choked off economically if non-religious rule is to win. Sometimes a major defeat can inspire such resistance that progress is the outcome. I hope so. It's hard to believe what I'm watching happen.

Yes, Texans might add democracy — the direct initiative, referendum, and recall — to their state constitution. Several western territoriies, upon seeing the corruption in eastern states, added direct democracy when they became states.

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