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A good quote. I am sure many of you have seen it before.

St-Sinner 9 Sep 5

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The above would apply to both men and women. Hard times and trying circumstances make us all stronger and help us to evolve as a species.


Don't blame it on the good time, blame it on the boogie.


I am tired of the worshiping of been “ strong “. That’s the ultimate creation of assholes since the 1920s , internationally too .
I am tired of people frowing to other people who dare to show weakness and they try to survive what ever is in their menu
I am tired of parents who chose to make the effort to make it hard for their kids to “ teach them a lesson “
U ain’t teaching them shit . Life will teach them sooner or later , your f job is to teach them thinking and adaptability , not hiding emotions .
I am tired of grandads telling young boys “ men don’t cry “. Yeah . That’s y we have a bunch of angry adult men .
I am tired of anyone who assumes strong is “ better “. The Batmans and the spider men of this society , I find them to vomit for .
This quote is shitty in my book .
Sorry .


This is vague and overgeneralizes. How do you define "hard times" or "good times"? And "strong" does not mean good or decent or kind. Stalin and Hitler and Ghengis Khan could be considered strong men. Is strength defined by the ability to inflict pain and suffering onto others?

And how do you define "weak men"? They can't chop down a tree with an ax or win a fist fight? Are poets and painters and singers "weak men"?

So, sorry, but I call bullshit on that quote.


My sentiments....exactly.

The general meaning have been largely the same through ages.

In a war, violence, instability, insecurity, lack of income, disease and sickness, deaths, stress - opposite of good times

Food on the table, health, no calamity, peace, enough sustenance, under good rule, family's well being - opposite of hard times

Physically healthy, mentally enduring, decisive, bold, perseverant, protecting, providing, defender of home, family, navigates through difficulties

Indecisive, non-dependable, gives up, run away, fearful, does not stand up to challenges - opposite of strong


Hard Times: So suffering, pain, and anguish make people better? No. That's an awful view of the world. If we could somehow eradicate as much suffering, pain, and anguish from the world it would be better. None of those things you listed are good things or things anyone should ever desire to happen to themselves or others.

Good Times: This should be what we want for every human being on the planet. These things don't make us weak or somehow lesser for it.

Strong: If strength creates good times then history should be brimming with good times because most of history has been filled with war, disease, violence, suffering, starvation, and struggle.

Weak: Prosperity and peace don't make people weak. I can tell you what does though. Ignorance, poverty, violence, war, disease, and suffering. That's what destroys lives, families, and communities.

So... again... I stand by what I said. That original post is bullshit. But if you believe it to be true then give away all your money, live on the street for a few years, be cold and hungry and dirty and sick. After a few years you should come out of it a much stronger person. Right? Get your entire family to do this with you so that they'll be strong too. Let me know how that goes for you.

@Charles1971 I love u ♥️

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