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Why do liberals support ‘madman’ Trump’s Syria strikes? RT’s Lee Camp marvels at ‘resistance’ logic []
"Liberals and pundits begging Donald Trump to drop more bombs on Syria – even as they paint the president as a “madman” – is nothing short of insane, independent journalist Rania Khalek told Redacted Tonight’s Lee Camp.

During her discussion with Camp, Khalek, who has reported from Syria, marveled at the cognitive dissonance recently on display from the self-described “resistance” movement.

“What about all these liberals who seem to line up behind every war. I mean, how can you still call yourself left-wing?” Camp asked his guest.

“They’re the great resistance, these are the members of the resistance to Trump!” Khalek replied sarcastically. “They’re cheering him on – they’re egging him on to do more. They’re saying it’s not enough. I mean, the New York Times called this operation ‘restrained’. They want more bombs.”
What is the members consideration of this opinion?

FrayedBear 9 Apr 20

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When it comes to Syria I have split feelings on the matter. When it comes to the liberal left going along with Trump, I'm honestly not surprised to hear such. Most of my family are registered Democrats, except for me. The progressive mentality of the modern day left never jived with me, too much hypocrisy on that side, of course that's not to say the right doesn't fall into that category as well, they do. The true problem lies in the fact that no one hardly wants to come to the middle and settle their differences. I hope that didn't stray too much from your query, but I am not surprised to hear the progressives backing Trump on an issue.

  1. I agree with the other comments about checking your sources, FrayedBear. I've been 'guilty' of jumping on board too quickly, too. Once and will try never to do that again. When we have strong emotions, our triggers get activated and off we go.
  2. So, I'm not clear what point you were trying to make about liberals but I have some comments to share about Syria and labels and et al.
  3. I don't fit into the liberal camp. I think extremists are a pretty small minority on either side and more recently the rest of us are coalescing around these extremes because somehow the middle is getting lost/is lost. That said, I am in favor of all the socialist programs that FDR put in place and supported Bernie and still do. But I am not a liberal. I am somewhere in the middle of the road. Progressive and fiscally conservative. I didn't trust Hilary and I definitely didn't vote for Trump (although I give him thumbs up for how he handles N Korea!)
  4. I believe that the US needs to take action in Syria. I do believe it because my great grandparents were killed in the shoah/holocaust and I know the devestation genocide wreaks on families for generations. When I say the US needs to take action, I mean collective action as a member/leading nation of the UN. The UN does not do enough to address crimes as they are being committed.
  5. I don't pretend to know how it should be improved but I think inaction when people are being slaughtered is not an option. I know that's not what this discussion is about. But, I added a reference for anyone interested in learning more about Syria, Assad, why this issue matters.
    [] This post is from the Holocaust Museum. I really admire how the Jews use their voice to call attention to the plight of others throughout the world.
    I've gone off on a tangent without intending to hijack your post. Started out wanting you to know that we all put our foot in it sometimes but felt this Syria issue was too important to walk away from. Forgive me?

In making the post I make no opinion, I ask one question.
Thank you for your insights and opinions.
I do have one further question - "What will your opinion be when it turns out that the genocide like the genocide of Palestinians by Israelis, an issue the world apart from America and Israel want to be openly discussed at the UN, is not being allowed because it is being caused by American and Jewish machinations?"

@FrayedBear You've already proven that your sources and conclusions are questionable at best. When you are ready to discuss this particular situation in the Middle East intelligently, without your bias, then we'll have a real discussion.
Until then, I will tell you the reasons why you lack understanding of the Israeli/Palestinian crisis.

  1. The UN not only openly discusses the issue at the UN but they make it their focus:
    UN Human Rights Council: From its creation in June 2006 through June 2016, the UN Human Rights Council over one decade adopted 135 resolutions criticizing countries; 68 out of those 135 resolutions have been against Israel (more than 50%). Details below.
    UN Nations General Assembly: From 2012 through 2015, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted 97 resolutions criticizing countries; 83 out of those 97 have been against Israel (86%). Details below.
    UNESCO: Each year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopts around 10 resolutions a year criticizing only Israel. UNESCO does not criticize any other UN member state in a country-specific resolution (100%). An exception occurred in 2013, when, under pressure from UN Watch, UNESCO adopted one resolution on Syria.
    World Health Organization: For one week every year, the UN World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), meets to formulate global health policy. Resolutions are adopted to address global health issues. There is one exception: the annual resolution entitled “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan,” which singles out Israel for condemnation; no other country in the world is condemned by the WHO.
    *ILO: The International Labour Organization (ILO) was established to improve conditions of labor, regulate work hours, fight unemployment, assure adequate living wages, and protect workers worldwide. At its annual conference, however, the ILO produces a single country-specific report castigating Israel.
  2. Check out the documentary *Human Flow about the crisis involving migrations of people due to genocide. The other genocides are clearly genocide. Israel/Palestine issue? represented by a tiger in a cage. The young Palestinian girls featured put the blame on the Jordanians, Egyptians and Israelis. Even they understand that this is not just about Israel.
  3. One of my heroes: *Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of Hamas, at the UN calling out the Palestinian National Authority for creating a situation in which the Palestinians are trapped. The Arab countries don't want resolution to the the Israeli/Palestine situation, neither do the Europeans and neither does the US. WHY? It's to their benefit to keep a focus on this issue so everyone turns a blind eye to the real issues happening in the world. I'm not saying the situation shouldn't be better for the Palestinians. I am saying it's not what you think it is.
  4. I wish there was some way to have a reasonable discussion with you, FrayedBear, but you are tedious in your single-mindedness. This situation needs all the scapegoating to end and for the Israelis and Palestinians to work this out themselves. There's been missteps on both sides but both sides are being used by outside forces. And YOU, unwittingly, contribute to that. When you are ready to look discuss the genocide in Syria, I will be happy to hear what you have to say.

One madman vs another madman.


It is insanity and they're so insane that they can't see logic


RT is Russian state TV. I don't care how 'credible' anyone sounds on there it's not a good place for news.

So are the liberals NOT wanting Trump to send in more bombs?
Forgive my ignorance I'm not familiar with US politics

@psycheworks no problem! 1. it's a generalization/stereotyping to lump all liberals together because there will be a range of views as there are a range of people 2. the comments here are questioning FrayedBear's news sources.


I think RT is trying to make a straw man by stating that liberals want more bombing in Syria. They are doing this because the goal of RT is that of the Russian government and they want to divide people and cause problems in the US political system.

Aren't they simply quoting from American sources?

I agree 100%


If you watch enough Fox News and media of that ilk, and shut yourself out from other sources, you'll soon see why.


Because so many live in the dark listening (and believing) every bit of crap that mainstream media spews. Once you are 'woke' you just can't go down that road again.

1 a few? Because I can not think of even one!

Are you saying Anne that there are many media reports in USA denouncing the current illegal action in Syria by America?

@FrayedBear MSNBC is disapproving, my local paper (we are a heavy-military-presence area) is against it too, as were they against National Guard to the border)

@AnneWimsey Excellent.


There is nothing in Syria that is of any value to the USA. We need to completely disengage in Syria IMO. Getting rid of Assad will only let the Muslim fanatics take over and create another Califate

Except that Israel want it ?

@psycheworks you make both a leap and an insinuation. 1. Israel is not at the center of every decision the US makes and 2. The Syrian civil war isn't about Israel.
Absolutely the US and Israel historically exchange information as do many, if not all, democratic countries. That relationship is born out of mutual trust for the same core principles.
You diminish both the importance of the Syrian experience and the US's role by turning the focus on Israel.

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