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I have probably posted this who knows HOW MANY TIMES before but as Moderator for the Group I shall do it again for those either FAILED to take notice or saw it as just "small print" to be ignored.
With the group, aussie sceptics, as the entirely Voluntary Moderator, I instigated a " No completed Bio/No completed Intro" ruling that excluded those not having such a requirement from receiving the "Official-Unofficial Aussie style Welcome" to the Group.
This "ruling" is in place as an attempt to keep Trolls, Scammers and the like at bay as best I can, it IS for the benefit of the members NOT for myself btw, SO, PLEASE IF you are considering joining aussie sceptics, a screen-name, Bio and an intro will benefit you more than you think.

Triphid 9 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Nothing wrong with that.

Which, requiring a Bio or Intro BEFORE applying to join a group OR simply not having a Bio or Intro so people can at least, hopefully, see if you're a Troll or something else possibly worse?

@Triphid Requiring at least a little bit of a bio.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, and is it too much to ask?
The thing I have noticed is that at least 99% of the No Bios/Intros COME from the U.S.

@Triphid No it's not too much to ask. It doesn't mean a person needs to tell all about their lives from birth, but give a little something to get to know who they are....interests, etc.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Exactly what I ask them to do.

@Triphid Mine is short, simply because I'm too boring to think of anything to write about, but at least there is a bit of something.

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