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Similar events leading up to the Second Coming: Torahic Law in oil-based capitalism's hand:
When the world was through fighting World War I it entered the period of depression. In the middle of that depression a brain-squad of people like Heisenberg, Born, de Broglie and Schrödinger solved the wave-particle paradox which had plagued science for centuries and which was nothing other than an incognito version of the ongoing argument between extreme Calvinism (predestination / particles are conventional objects that travel along determinable trajectories) and extreme Arminianism (free-will / particles are waves and have no discreet parameters).

The solution to both paradoxes is that quanta are indeed discreet but far from conventional and progress according to possibility waves...[]

bbyrd009 7 Apr 20

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ATTENTION ALL END OF THE WORLD/RAPTURE/SECOND COMING BELIEVERS: You will need someone to care for your pets, plants,& property after you leave! Just send your address, housekeys, and PIN #(s) and i will happily work hard on that for you! You can trust me, Gawd has specifically planned to take care of you by appointing me to be here for you in your glorious ascension!


A little clarification please? Is there any capitalistic country that forbids grabbing the dam when the eggs are taken from the nest? Any requirements for wearing fringed garments? Is there a link from Torah law to statistical chromodynamics?

i'd have to ask you to rephrase your first Q; for the second, imo the symbology of "fringed garments" should be revealed, and you might note that Scripture condemns these in other places, "the enlarging of phylacteries" i think. Ya, Matt 23:5, "They do everything to be observed by others: They enlarge their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels" (which still does not reveal the symbology of 'tassel'😉. For the third, i would refer you to Abarim's [] "Quantum mechanics for beginners," where i'm pretty sure the "link" will clarify, at least in a more general sense.

not meaning to be cagey @ "tassels," it's just that i am not entirely clear on the symbology myself! Suffice it to say that they stand for something more than the thing that used to hang from a "garment." []

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