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Had such great plans for today. Make Cream of Cauliflower soup, do a load of laundry, vacuum my bedroom with the new vacuum cleaner.
I should not have gotten the flu shot yesterday! Now I feel like dirt. If you are looking for me, I am on the sofa watching The Inspector Lyndly Mysteries.
The best-laid plans...

Spinliesel 9 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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What I like about taking the flu shot (and other vaccines) is that I can schedule it for a day when I can take it easy for the next 2 days, just in case I get more than a slightly sore arm. So far, I've not had a sick reaction to the flu shot, but I still would rather schedule it than have a bad case of flu take me out of commission when there are things I need to be doing.

I hope your symptoms ease up and you'll soon be enjoying your cream of cauliflower soup along with your movie! The dust on the floor can wait. Though using a new vacuum cleaner does have its thrill - it will still be new when you feel better!


Patience and kindness starts with ourselves-
not to have an inner awarenes of our own needs( or WORSE ) , over riding them makes us less human and callous. Plus you bounce back better~🤗

It is 9 pm and I am feeling better. I did nothing all day, ate only some cauliflower, and drank a lot of water. I am expecting a better day tomorrow.

@Spinliesel there YOU go - the smart compassionate approach☯️♒

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