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Lest you forget just how deep Fascism runs in the's a reminder

Charlene 9 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Four years after the event there's finally a chance at "justice". as the wise person said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." I like to think that there was a sprinkling of liberal thinkers who led America from time to time -- Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Grant, the Roosevelts -- and tended to undo wrongs. But it is depressing to see the news media strive to give equal time to fascists as if it's a legitimate view. If so, why are there fascists and other cultists who fully repent their former ways after de-programming; and the same does not occur with progressives?


Fascism is the American default setting, from Andrew Jackson to Henry Ford right on up through Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Trump.
I am particularly interested due to being raised in Alabama under Governor George C. Wallace an old style Dixiecrat fascist, just so you know Democrat politicians aren't immune to fascist urges either.
Keep an eye on everyone.

2 sitting Dem Senators come immediately to mind..🤬🤬🤬

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