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I hate when I get a notification about a comment I made, but the whole thread has been deleted. I like to know exactly HOW I pissed someone off. LOL

Secretguy 7 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Me too. Where's the fun in irritating someone if I can't see the fruits of it, like them showing or proving me right by acting out and reacting to it like the asshole I already knew they were? My count is that I have 60 people blocked on my end, plus at least another couple dozen that have blocked me. It's getting to where I see every few days a notice of Content Unavailable, etc., like I actually care that much about it....

Yet you felt compelled to comment. Uh huh.

@Secretguy Whatever, Secretguy, snark away at me. We are clearly more alike than you want to admit.

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