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What is wrong with voters in the U.S.? Trump comes in and takes credit for the economic wave started by Obama.The unemployment rate when Trump took over was already down to 4.6 and the stock market had grown to 20,000 from a low of 7,000. Of course Trump claimed that he inherited "a mess". Now, he has moved from 32 percent approval to 40 percent. How can so many people not see he is an ignorant scam artist that lies and makes hollow promises?

DaveRohbock 5 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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In my opinion Trump-bashers are irrational people.


Trump is making fixing the messes left by Obama

gater Level 7 Apr 21, 2018

Obama left an economy that went from 10 % unemployment to 4.6%. That is terrific, as was the tremendous increase in the stock market. We had the longest period of job growth in the history of this country. The main reason for the slower growth rate was the the huge task of bringing this economy from the brink of disaster and the solid wall of Republican rejection of anything Obama wanted to do. He proposed a large infrastructure plan that would have created jobs and now Trump is promoting the exact same thing.


It's really not all that hard to understand when you realize just how many people in this country fall for scams and cons every single day. From what I can tell, they mostly suffer from congenital gullibility.

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