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Don't know whether to laugh, cry, get truly enraged and go hunt the little mongrels down or what.
Last evening I was called out on an counseling matter with a young couple who have been ostracized from both families and the J.W. Religion because their new born baby boy was born with the small stub of a rudimentary tail.
The J.W. Elders Council stated that the baby was conceived when the young lady let herself be seduced by the Devil and as a result the child is the Anti-Christ incarnate and MUST be turned over to the J.W. High Council immediately or the world as we know it will be destroyed.
New Mum and Dad, thankfully let parental emotions, etc, etc, take control, told the J.W. Church where they can go, how far to travel and where to get off, the only thing they needed counseling for, imo, was the decision they need to make as to whether or not have the 'tail stub' removed surgically now or later when Bubs is a bit older.
They've opted, at present for removal A.S.A.P. since it can be done with a local anaesthetic when a child/baby is a small as this very handsome you lad is and there is less trauma associated with it than there would be later in life.
BUT that is NOT why I'm in confused state.
While I was away from home, there was a short power failure my area of town only.
During the time, according to a number of my neighbours about 35 minutes maximum, it appears that some low-down Scum-bag, Toe-rags decided to enter my front yard, snatch 15 of the 16 surviving Rose cuttings I had growing in pots and take off with them.
Thankfully, they did NOT look around as well as they could have and missed the pot with my cutting of a thorn-less Rose growing strong and healthy in it.
Consider the retail price of buying an established thorn-less rose bush and planting it yourself, a nice little $ 60.00 per bush btw, I'm glad they missed mine but totally aggro that they stole the others.

Triphid 9 Oct 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Tow-rags not toe-rags.

I am not a spelling fascist, but it just gives me an excuse to tell the amusing story of the words origins.
It seems that a, tow-rag, was a piece of waste rag or rope you would use to wipe your bum on shipboard, when toilet paper was scarce, ( or as worn by ladies once per month). You then dropped it over the side attached to a line, to wash it through in the sea ready for the next use.

Out my way we call them Toe-rags because they are only good for cleaning the sweaty muck from between someone else's toes.


That happens here a lot...many of us lose bedding plants every spring planting up & down our streets. The police can do nothing, so maybe the neighbourhoods should think of something. We have cameras, but as they wear those damn hoodies, we don't see who they are.

Exactly what the scum in the pics taken by my 3 only operative cameras were wearing.

@Triphid Extremely annoying.

@Lilac-JadeCanada You bet, I was looking forward to during next winter-early spring setting up NEW garden bed of ONLY roses from the cuttings that I so diligently sought and 'borrowed" from gardens around my area.
At least I still have the thorn-less cutting safe and sound.
I've been wondering IF it is possible to 'borrow' more cuttings and get them growing during this spring and summer.

@Triphid My husband is the gardener here, so I know very little about plants. His big thing is food planting, so he has a garden as well as a greenhouse.

@Lilac-JadeCanada That's what I intend to start doing again with the now used garden plots in my backyard once I get it all ship-shape again.

@Triphid So good to have fresh vegetables.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, fresh vegies like radishes, cabbage, caulies, peas, beans, eggplant, carrots, potatoes.
I've already planted a Passionfruit vine, so around this time next year I'll be having passionfruit over my ice-cream for dessert.

@Triphid We had tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, green beans, cantaloupe, strawberries, green bell peppers, parsley, basil, & radishes. Root veggies don't do that well here.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I USED to grow radishes all year round here, that was until my late and dearly departed best 4 legged friend, Charlie discovered he a taste for them.
He learned how to lift the most mature ones out of the ground carefully, eat the radish and then replace, sometimes quite haphazardly, the green tops back into the hole.
He also developed a taste for ripe lemons, ripe oranges, potatoes either steamed then mashed or steamed and halved, steamed vegies, Iced Coffee milk, white Tea with 2 sugars, white coffee with 2 sugars, ice-cream, toast with Promite and sliced cheese for breakfast, fish and chips for Sunday lunch, being either vacuumed or swept over with the broom and having a fresh spray of insect repellent put on his ears at least 3 times a day in summer.
And PEOPLE had the affront to try to tell me he was spoiled...LOL


Catch them, strip them naked, find a very large patch of particularly prickly brambles, and them all them into the middle of it.

The power failure stopped my security cameras from getting the best pics of them but my WiFi rechargable ones got a few good shots of them though, Those are in the hands of the local Blue-bottles atm.

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