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They are aware that marijuana-infused candy is a helluva lot more expensive then actual candy, right? Why would anyone want to give weed away to total strangers?


Police warn of marijuana edibles that look like candy ahead of Halloween

Dyl1983 8 Oct 28

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I've been hearing these stories, in various forms, since I was a kid in the 60s.

Never did I ever have anyone give me acid tabs, needles in candy, or razor blades in apples.
My mother was adamant about us not eating anything we collected until AFTER she went through it all. She insisted that it was for our safety.
It took a couple of years for me to catch on, but that was only because she wanted to pick out all the stuff she liked.

No one is giving out their stash. That's just a load of crap.

my friend got a half gallon of ice cream for a party and she was cutting it in squares to ut on cake and there were razor blades in it

@whiskywoman That's not the same thing.
Hope she got her money back from the store, and reported it to the manufacturer.

@KKGator it was around the time when there were apples with razor blades

@Dyl1983 I like the way you think


Don't give that away

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 28, 2021

Agree! You gotta bogart that shit!


why would anyone put razor blades in ice cream or glass in candy

Because they are fuckin’ assholes who I hope poison themselves one day.

I think it was razor blades in apples, and glass in ice cream.

  1. You ASSUME normal people wouldn't do this....look around, there is a whole bunch of crazy out there!
  2. What kind of parent sends kids to stranger's houses nowadays?
    Even in tbe 50's & 60's, Nana only took us to friends & relatives houses!

Therefore, a non-issue unless you are an abused/neglected kid, who probably ain't getting a costume anyway, and has much bigger problems.


If the police had their way, everybody except them would be imprisoned in glass capsules, so they could watch our every move!



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