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I have placed this in the Health and Happiness section simply because talk about SCIENCE actually puts people off for no other reason than the regrettable past experiences of this group .

This added edit ( on 10/30) seeks to address the problem that the vast majority of the population do not understand what science IS in a way that they can use it themselves.
In fact it is impossible to explain it as a single word because it is in reality a series of linked PROCESSES which are linked in a related but differing CYCLES and repeatedly turned through the same cycle of processes until a CONCLUSION is reached. Different scientists use different words for the terms but the repeated cyclic usually produces a clear conclusion. (unless the question or Hypothesis were wrong in the first place. )

            If people would simply fully understand the words in the chart below by actually doing some science  of their own and about their OWN LIFE by USING SCIENCE then they have a chance of actually helping to rid us of co-vid fears and change our climate back to where it was and safe.

SCIENCE properly applied BY YOU to YOU can give UNIVERSAL Health and Happiness.
This is my current version of scientific method, something I was only asked to teach two years before I gave up teaching at Queen Anne's school, Reading UK. It needs seeing by a lot more teachers so that they can vote on the choice of words that most 7 year olds can assimilate to accept science principles. If the new version were universally available together with a determination to LEARN SCIENCE BY DOING IT, then science education and people's grasp of science education would radically change to the benefit of everyone.

Mcflewster 8 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Apologies for computer error Admin have been informed but they are slow to correct. I have tried 3 times from scratch. What did I do wrong?


IF you want to help, please join the Science teacher's ( Any age) group on this site . You do not have to be a teacher only someone who knows the power and benefits of education


Test, doubt, work.

We do need the question first but you're simplification is right on.

You are simplifying and simplification is GOOD.

I would have put the sequence as (Doubt , Test, Work [=conclusion or evaluation])
I think that you would eventually get to my SUGGESTED sequence above or something similar.

Have you actually tried to figure out what thinking processes are going on in the brain as you try to solve a problem ?

@Mcflewster Yes I did not put them in order, sorry. But I would contend that at the most basic level, the big difference between science and other ways of thinking, like religion for example, is that science goes with the idea that the more work you put in, and the more you adjust, then the closer to the truth your results will be. While religion is the idea that truth is a given, an absolute, once and for all, as a gift for believers. The basic motivation being laziness, and fear, two powerful drives, certainty and the indulgence of apathy being great things with many people.

I know that other ways of thinking, like history and philosophy also include the idea of working to improve, but I would contend that in so far as they do, they are being scientific.

@Fernapple I would agree with you in general but all of history is an extremely slow process of rewriting what the Masters of Power are postulating. Sadly the many cases of discovering that history was wrong shows how inefficient they are at following anything like a method of sticking to the truth . All of history is a science attempt > all of science is mathematics (i.e they are seeking answers expressed by an equation as the holy grai. An equation is the perfect expression of the truth using measurement,.
sadly uninjerretable by manyl

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