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I find it disturbing how many people think that its acceptable to insult or bully someone because they don't have the same ideals or they look at things differently. That's closed minded bigotry and abuse. I can agree to disagree. I'm up for and intellectually stimulating debate but not when it turns hostile.

ArtemisDivine 7 Apr 21

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The premise to agree to disagree and not stand up for what is right reminds me of an Prairie Public Television documentary about Germany before and during the 3rd Reich. Really wish I could remember the name of the series as it was outstanding. A major point that was asserted was the majority of Germans were good people that suffered as a result of the policies that took place during that era. The disastrous path was possible by a majority of Germans simply agreeing to disagree and not stand up and protest polices that were not good.

I actually have a long list of things I do not “agree to disagree”
This list includes but is not limited to:

Honor Killings
Female genital mutilation
Child Trafficking
Asserting as fact (supported by evidence) faith (no evidence) based claims.

I actually care about truth and to allow faith to be peddled as fact is dishonest and in need of severe mitigation.

The list goes on.

@NoMagicCookie, I'm talking about debates of differing opinions and not murder, mutilation, abuse and other illegal activity. Some people you will never get to see truth because they wish not to.

@ArtemisDivine Female Gentile Mutilation is still legal in some areas. []

"Some people you will never get to see truth because they wish not to." Correct but exposing the huge difference between faith and facts often leads those in the sideline to open their eyes.

@NoMagicCookie I never said genital mutilation was not legal. Some people need to read something completely before commenting and not just skimming and focusing on what they are going to say next.


How the hell can you bully someone over a coaxial cable ? Come on . That's not possible. try " stop listening, watching" that'll do it


You should never have to grant equal status to magical thinking. I am willing to grant a person the right to believe what they want but I will call it like it is. Belief in gods, miracles or anything supernatural is to believe in fiction and fairy tales as reality. To state that truth is not disrespectful or bullying, it is simply stating the truth.


I never liked the agree to disagree thing. The guy I work with uses it to back out of arguments. There is a definitive true/false, correct/incorrect nature of things. Being a bully is one thing, but there is an underlying truth about whatever aspect of reality is in question. Blocking discussion and argument with an arbitrary statement is a weak tactic. Also a tactic of the bully.

And in the case of a stalemate?

@bingst that’s just call for a recess as opposed to refusing to continue

@bingst In the case of a stalemate you tell them you have the right to believe in fairy tales, but I'll stick to reality.

@bobhoff59 I guess...

@bobhoff59 ha! I guess I just agreed to disagree because I don’t want to talk about it anymore hahahha

@NothinnXpreVails whats wrong with calling for recess?

@bingst PUNT!

@Sticks48 hahahhahahaaa


You have cast a rather wide blanket statement.

For example, I personally don't think it is ok to have sex with children. I base this belief on the psychological trauma I have observed by many who were sexually abused as children.
Therefore, If I were to encounter someone promoting NAMBLA, I will be considerably less then pleasant and polite to that individual/s assertion that sex with children is a good thing. I would go out of my way to argue why (for example) how NAMBLA does not promote the best outcome for the health of our society. It is reasonable to anticipate such a debate would turn hostile as I would introduce rather ugly stories that demonstrate the damage their "ideas" that are different then mine have adversely effected many people.

Like it or not, there are belief structures that do not serve the best interest of our society.

I could fill pages with examples of unnecessary suffering, abuse, and even the death of children that were a product of a belief structure that does "have the same ideas or they look at things differently." then I.

By your definition because I am well informed and willing to put forth effort to reduce damage to people, “I am now a "closed minded" bigot.
. . . . sad. . .

The North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association?

@Keyboard-Mama if anyone was gonna, might as well be me. I jest because I didn’t even think it was real.

@NoMagicCookie wow, that is so fucking disgusting

As Ron Burgundy would, that sure escalated fast!


There’s a real challenge there, though. So much of what we read depends on that voice in our head. If we read a comment through mom’s filter, always telling us what we’re doing wrong, then a comment can suddenly turn ugly even though it wasn’t meant that way, and then things escalate.

Then there are those who simply cannot be disagreed with and take it personally if they are. And those who think they know and have no interest in having a discussion, and those who simply cannot spell.

I’ve been reading the book: Thank You for Arguing, and it’s helping me to understand the differences, and how to argue without being mean. Still working on it, but now I’m trying.



Here here


Some people view a Trump supporter in much the same light as a Neo Nazi, or something else similarly disdainful. I doubt many would support the idea that it's unacceptable to bully or insult Neo Nazis; indeed, probably the opposite is true.

They have to be controlled, socially. That’s why it’s ok to punch a Nazi ??

@bingst, that's because those people who lash out insults aren't able to grasp the concept of someone viewing things differently then themselves and they have no tolerance for it. How can you view someone as a neo nazi when you know absolutely nothing about that person other then that they think differently then you on one subject? It's not very open minded or mature.

@ArtemisDivine I didn't say "as a Neo Nazi," but rather "in much the same light as a Neo Nazi." When one states support for, praise of, and admiration of a particular person, it says a lot about one's character, more specifically it shows a general agreement with the person being praised.

So a Trump supporter is viewed as being in general agreement with Trump, and this is why knowing a Trump supporter isn't necessary in order to hold them in contempt. If you publicly state support for a particular person then be prepared to take responsibility for such statements. The responsibility aspect of speech is often ignored... or worse, denied.

@bingst, I am a Trump supporter to a degree. I don't agree with everything he does that's why what you say is judgemental, inaccurate and absurd. I'm not responsible for what he has done in the past, is doing now or will do in the future. And if you believe what you say then all Obama and Clinton supporters should bear the sins of those two. See how ridiculous that sounds? And you did say "as a neo nazi". I could care less what other people think of me. All I originally did was make a statement about how some people bully others because they don't think or believe the same.


I would take it up with the bully or you can block them

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