I haven't spoken to my btch daughter for 4 yrs since I left NH. I called and while speaking with the granddaughter her daddy dearest grabs the phone and tells me he's going to hand up on me cuz she wasn't sure who she was talking to even tho I told her I was her grandmother.
This really pisses me off: They are very wealthy, tried to sell a million $ house but couldn't and still moved into a new milllion $ house so could afford both mortgages. They asked their kids what they want to do in the future (NOT college) daughter says "Work in the pizza stores with daddy." She wants to learn the pizza business-how nice, a waitress with no degree in accounting.
Son says "I wanna be a snow boarder" so they sent the little rich kid to freaking Switzerland to learn. As if NH has no snow. What it does have is Bodie Miller.
The new wealthy are kind of crass and elitist. My daughter can't cook to save her own life. They eat out a lot----pizza.