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So watching a shitty comedy and a young girl is pregnant and she decides to not have it . The bloke then turns around and says so you are taking the easy way out it me or does anyone else get angry when they say abortion is the easy way out? To me it's one of the hardest decisions anyone has to make . Don't get me wrong I am pro choice but it's never an easy choice

Simon1 7 Apr 21

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Don't assume it's a hard choice. Abortion was probably one of the easiest choices I've ever made. I knew that I absolutely did not want a baby and that I would resent the resulting child for the rest of my life.

If I turned up pregnant now, I'd contact the police first then the nearest abortion provider.


Thank you all for the responses glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks this way


Copy that. I have never been in that position, but Christ in a sidecar that would be a hard choice to make. Don't get me wrong either - I am pro choice. But I am also under no illusion that there is a human being involved. That is a heavy weight to carry.


Even if it were the easy way out, so what?
Why is she wrong for wanting her life to be "easier"?
What gives the man any right to control the woman's body? (Outside certain consensual scenarios) That's exactly what this statement implys, an attempt to coerce via moral blackmail.
Are you sure this was a comedy. Then again Chekov thought he was writing comedy.


Speaking from experience, it was a very difficult decision to make, even though it was by far the best option at the time. And the actual procedure was very physically painful. I don't recommend it as a birth control as much as a final resort. In my case I probably would not have carried to term, having severe endometriosis. And the child probably would have had birth defect issues, if it had survived. I terminated in my 7th week of pregnancy and it was still pretty traumatic. I'm very pro-choice.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

I don't know any women including my mother who have had one that didn't go through a period of depression. Only stupid people say something like that.


You know what would be harder? Raising a child with multiple disabilities, including cognitive disabilities, who you know is doomed to die young and in great pain.

I had three miscarriages. Since I learned about the burden of genetic disorders I carry, I've become GRATEFUL my body can't carry a pregnancy to term. I'd have been absolutely miserable having to deal with the above situation, and I would have felt GUILTY about being miserable, since the cultural stereotype is that parents should be brave and just love their child every day, no matter what.

Right, so if my child is paralyzed and cognitively disabled, and screaming in pain every waking hour, I should somehow be glad I got that time with her? I work with children with developmental disabilities. I've seen the lives of children and their families with these disorders. Infantile Tay Sachs, Osteogenesis Imperfecta with Autism (the child I'm thinking of would do stereotypical movements and break his or her bones doing them EVERY DAY), etc. Just... no. If there is a god, it does give people more than they can bear.

Thank you , for your very brave and heartfelt input


It's a "comedy"????


Comedy writers usually reflect their own viewpoints - this guy has obviously never been close up to a real life situation.

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