3 10

And who doesn’t like coffe!

Jolanta 9 Nov 10

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9 cups! Wow! Surprised that's safe! Like red wine, there seems to be just as many reasons to drink coffee as there is to abstain, but moderation with questionable beverages is likely the best path.


No hope for me then. I don't drink coffee. Just have to keep on masturbating whilst I can but I think that the C19 or Stupids will get me first!

@David1955 Nope. Didn't have one of those. 😁

@David1955 Just spectacles for 64 years. Bandler (NLP) had a theory that short sightedness is caused by not wanting to see beyond the end of your nose which sort of, unless a contortionist, prevents you from being able to see your genitals & thus undertake the pleasure?


Why don't they do a study on women?

@Wangobango3 just for general cancer prevention, because almost everyone drinks coffee.

@Wangobango3 Where do you get that BS from?

@Wangobango3 Thank you for introducing me to amadan & FOAD. You do not improve the respect anyone would have for your race or forward your hypothesis. It may be something peculiar to your country or simply women worldwide.

@Wangobango3 one swallow doth not a summer make.

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