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Where were you before you decided to be "in the moment?"

lerlo 8 Nov 13

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As far as I know, I have never been "in the moment", so I have yet to be in the place that you ask about.

@anglophone I guess we can all decide, just like the term was made up by someone, that we are never in the moment but unfortunately we are always in the moment.

@lerlo As in "All I have is my here and now, my consciousness"? I can go with that.


I was ready to start what would become the most gainful four years of my life.
Geographically, I was in Phoenix and I would grow.

A closure occurred — an ambiguity ended and a path would open.

‘Tis an interesting question; I may write an essay.

@yvilletom thanks for making my point. Absolutely any answer will answer that question. I'm pretty sure you did write an essay and I'm sure you could go on for hours ending in much ado about nothing and being "in the moment" the whole time. A phrase that allows people their artificial moment of Zen apparently


It was in the moment just prior

Word Level 8 Nov 13, 2021

So you were always a moment behind? How did you catch up and how do you stay in the moment?

@lerlo I think it could be explained by understanding the limits in calculus, perhaps. But, I am not very well versed on citing the calculation.

Otherwise, any instantious moment that we are in is in a constant change to the next.

It's like calculating the slope of a point on a curved line.

@Word An interesting perspective.

The curved line is described; the instant moment is not.

@yvilletom, @lerlo Actually, it works very well if you understand physics. Constantly changing having kenitic energy.

" I am experiencing THIS moment ".

#1. We are giving "this" a definition of a point or perhaps a line segment. It is given a definition or measurement of or in the measurement of time.

#2. Experiencing: the -ing at the end of the word. Denoting a verbal action, an instance of "this", or its result.

By defining "this" as we move thru moments measured by time, "this" moment is in constant change.

What we are experiencing with "this moment, then this moment, then this moment..." is the fact change is constant.

@lerlo, @yvilletom And, to split hairs that, I find people don't like so much detail, but to say:

Prescription: event, occurence or duration.

Description: time measurement.

For most people, it appears to me, their comprehension of the seperation between "Prescription" and "Description" is not easily possible for them because the description "time" and the prescription "duration " (the duration is the fact of the occurrence, not the measurement of that occurence given in units of time). So, most people equate the description with the prescription.

@yvilletom, @lerlo let's call space the prescription. By fact space exist we give it the description in Units of measurement: feet, meters. etc.

Change in location, or traveling thru space is associated with requiring a duration for the change in location. The duration of traveling a distance is measured in units of time.

Point to point in space or duration is given measurements in units that are description of the fact of the prescription.

We are in fact traveling "thru time".from moment to moment that we give measurement to our duration.

@Word thanks for making my point. Absolutely any answer will answer that question which is why the term itself is ridiculous but allows people an artificial moment of zen

@lerlo I don't know much about any zen moments. But, I do have a zen machine for packing cigarettes.

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