6 8

100% truth.

Apunzelle 7 Nov 24

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Mind you, some non-believers go too far insulting believers on social media. We are supposed to be living in a pluralistic society. It's important to respect each other's space while ensuring that everyone feels acknowledged, valued and included.

Ryo1 Level 8 Nov 25, 2021

That's exactly what I tell religious ppl. I don't care what you believe as long as you don't force it on me. Keep it in your place of worship and home. Keep it out of public places like school, politics and street corners. They don't want religious freedom they just want everyone to believe the same as they do.

Isn’t that the damn truth?


I agree but I wish it was that simple. We are going to have to labor to get rid of religion, just as the other side suffered and died and labored


Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

The religion you are refering to is a form of government called theocracy.

The bassackwards and illogicalness of the statement is that: GOVERNMENT should not infiltrate, be proselytized and coverting people into capitalism slave laborers. People's lives, families and businesses being terrorized with capitalism slavery, taxation causing oppression is what is weaponized to harm people and restriction true freedom of goodness, peace and joy to enjoy things like their own free brick homes, businesses and property built by true masons free from mortgage free from rent free from taxation free from governmental terrorism, taxation and free from oppression. And, freedom to enjoy the fullness of what is the one major seperation of homo sapian from any other known creature,: intelligence capabilities. To enjoy the fullness of education for everyone on Earth, of all knowledge, understanding, wisdom, skill, craft, trades and college certifications of every kind free from tuition, free from loans and free from any fees. And, as everyone should be a doctor of every kind, free medical services for everyone on Earth free from cost, free from fees and free from any indebtedness. In true freedom.

Word Level 8 Nov 24, 2021

Well said.

Ryo1 Level 8 Nov 24, 2021

I agree


I'll buy that.


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