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The 60’s were a nonstop progression of anti-war protests, leading into a counter cultural movement all over US society. But I believe the major influence was the elimination of the military draft!

Since then we have had war nearly every decade, but no significant anti-war movements...

Nobody fights a war if they don’t want to or are not now financially FORCED to. Especially children of politicians and the rich!

Should we bring back the draft?

Or should we just continue having the less fortunate fight battles WE start, that the rest of US society actually has to fight and die in?

Ungod 6 Apr 22

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You bring up a very good point non of us should ever forget and up till now , I had. We in fact ended the draft. Thank you for making me whole on this issue

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

The rich may get drafted but does not means they will serve... unpresident trump is Exhibit A.

Although not all rich when they were of draft age:

Cheney, Bush II, Romney, Giuliani, Gingrich, Bill Clinton.

I know the RICH won’t do much of ANYTHING they don’t want to.

I’m talking about making the PRIVILEGED classes eligible to serve the country whose teat the suck so well!

Kids who would rather take the college education and cushy jobs they have coming to them rather than actually SERVE the country that made all that possible for them!

@Ungod like I always said... even Hitler has great ideas. Adolf came with a program that every swinging dick or tits will give 6 months of their youth to the motherland. They will receive a minimal stipend but during that time they were treated like royalty, free movie access, ahead of the line priviledge, discounts,etc, etc, etc... they will do whatever was needed but it was an honor and part of being a citizen. our army does not need to be bigger than what it is. If you wanto come up with only veterans will be allowed to vote and only right to bear arms... I will consider it but Is not in my thoughts to solve the Fucked Ups of this country. I already gave 20 years of military service. That's it for me.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I wonder what all that means...


Why would the draft change anything? Poor people would just continue to fill the military. Just now it would be against their will. Sure, a lot join the military because of the benefits etc., but at least there is some choice. In a draft there is zero choice whatsoever for poor people. Rich people will always find a way to get out of something like that, and always have. Bring back the draft for more poor people to fight for corporations and corrupt politicians? It makes no sense.

Were you around during the draft and Vietnam War?

It was the privileged kids, kids that would NOT otherwise have to serve, that we’re MAKING war protests happen - on college campuses.

Draft or volunteer service makes little difference to the poor and disadvantaged - either way THEY still fight the wars the rest of us vote for...

We now do MORE war now. CONSTANTLY!

Where are the protests?

@Ungod I had to be around then to have an opinion on something? Do you really believe there were no protests for the Iraq wars in both 1991 and 2003 by both Bush presidents? The other wars that Obama was involved in (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan) mostly weren't even reported by the media so how can most citizens know about them? There were protests for those too though. Not as big as before, but like I said, the media doesn't report them like they used to. Now, the media is too busy trying to get ratings and talking about who peed on Trump or which hooker he payed to spank him.



All around the world people protested those wars FOR YEARS!!!, including in the U.S., and also in the biggest most publicized city of New York. Where did that get us?

Where are the protests? Really?

When something like the Iraq war happens for more than a decade even though so many people protest, it kind of puts a damper on the practicality of the protests for the future. Plus, these wars are sold as patriotic endeavors where the people actually think we're there fighting for freedom and against terrorists. The war machine has learned from past mistakes. It's a marketing campaign now. There are also some reasons in the Huff Post article why there were less protests under the Obama administration.

Yeah, you really had to be there!

You can BET Nixonites did all they could to quash news of the protests too!

BUT the protests were so large in number and volatile, there was just no hiding them.

These protests were in the streets and neighborhoods almost daily!

They did NOT have to be reported by the media, you could witness them firsthand!

They were reported by the media because they were HUGE and volatile - and UNAVOIDABLE...
They were BIG stories that media would be foolish to not cover!

Please tell me of one anti-war protester today who was killed in the process of doing so.

Today’s war protests are insignificant by comparison!

NFL kneelers are more effective. By comparison, you CAN’T avoid them!

The protests over the shootings in the Florida HS got more attention and, UNAVOIDABLE!

Those 60s anti-war protests indeed STOPPED that war, even while Nixon was escalating it and violating treaties.
Those protests STOPPED the draft!

People were REALLY leaving the US for Canada and elsewhere, not just talking about it!

There is just NO comparison!

@Ungod Whatever. You are entitled to believe whatever you want.

I “believe” in facts and evidence.

I asked you for proof of current war protests - especially to match those of the Vietnam War era.

You had nothing!
That’s understandable, because there IS none!!

Instead you take the typical TRUMPANZEE route of blaming the media for not presenting YOUR version of the news...

LAME !!!

@Ungod I had nothing? Lol

Do you read? U.S. entered the war in 1965. They left fully in 1973. Protests started AFTER the media started portraying it how it really was. The U.S. government was portraying it a different way BEFORE the protests. Media channels are much different today in showing and swallowing the pro government narrative. You really think after 8 years of protest that it was only the protests that stopped the war? It was partially the protests. It's a nice heroic narrative. It was also partially that the war ended because we COULDN'T WIN! The U.S. didn't want to drag it out and make their "loss" look worse than it was. It wasn't worth the resources anymore. There are NUMEROUS reasons! It was very complicated!

Iraq wars started in 1991 with protests and even bigger protests in 2003 until about 2012. Nothing stopped it. The Iraq protests were BIGGER than the Vietnam protests. The Iraq protests were the biggest protests in HISTORY!!! Not only from the U.S. populace, but countries from around the world!

If you want to shove your fucking head in the sand, then by all means, enjoy the grit in your teeth. Maybe instead of lying and saying I offered nothing, read and fucking think critically next time.

My version of the news? Where is the mainstream media coverage of Yemen atrocities led by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia? How many Americans even know of the shit going down in Yemen right now? You see what the media points you to.

Are you now calling me a Trump supporter? You're the seemingly naive and easily led one, not me lol

So tell me why the biggest protests in the history of the world didn't stop the Iraq wars? I'll wait!

STILL no examples eh...?!

@Ungod Wow! I see talking to you isn't worth it. You are either oblivious or willfully ignorant.

@Ungod Correct me if I'm wrong but you were born in the early 60's , too young to have been involved in the draft anyway. The protests against the Vietnam War was because of drafting people with no choice of opting out. I was born in 1950 , ripe for the draft in 1968, don't make statements of what it was like , You. Weren't. There. Unless your lying about your age for some reason.

@Piece2YourPuzzle He wasn't around then either.

@Piece2YourPuzzle, @buzz13 - BOTH of you don’t know what you are talking about!

If you LIARS were that age you’d KNOW the war-protests of that era, along with everything else going on in that time...

@Piece2YourPuzzle - STILL no examples... GOD u r pathetic!


The draft should be brought back definately and every citizen should in some way take a couple years to serve their country even the 4F can serve in some manner. Military,peacecore, medics for the poor, WPA to take care of national monuments and parks and in so doing they learn a trade.Why shouldn't everyone provide some service? It might even teach some of the wealthy that the other 95% are real people with real needs that they do not have unlike the silver spoon they were brought up with.

You really think that will change the 1%'s mind? I highly doubt it.

@Piece2YourPuzzle - It’s not about changing minds, it’s about changing POLICY!!

@Ungod Who do you think controls the country and always has?

@Piece2YourPuzzle - I’m SOOO relieved we have YEWWW to answer such a meaningful question for the rest of us... You and DALE DRIBBLE, aka RUSTY SHACKLEFORD!

@Ungod My mistake, won't happen again. Troll.

@Piece2YourPuzzle If you read DARK MONEY you will find out that foundations run by the dark government of billionaries really runs our government and it is a terrible situation. The other 95% of the people are being led in a manner that is not the best for their well being.They are anarchists who use the republican party to do their dirty work. After reading the book I was sick for a couple of days just wondering how we could combat the wealth these people have on their side to get what they want.


Cage fighting for politicians the wars stop then


Yes, we should bring back the draft, in the form of 1 - 2 years of compulsory service to our ountry in some capacity -- whether it be the military, Peace Corps, Forest Service, educational support service or any other form of valid service. That service, the time away from home, the mixing with other people from across the country helped me to truly grow up in many senses. It would also convey the idea that we owe our country something , not just the country owing us.

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