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Stay healthy, everyone, and don't whatever you do, have a heart attack, accident, allergic reaction, or anything else.

Organist1 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I just had needed abdominal surgery Dec 3. Waiting was not an option nor was a visit to the ER if I had my colon perforate. The nurses told me that ER waits can be up to 10 hours or more.
So if it’s necessary hospitalization—don’t wait. If it’s an emergency— your screwed.

Good point. Glad you're feeling better.


Decisions, decisions... a mask or a body bag...


I have a lot of paper towels, gauze, a ton of duct tape, dental picks, ungent, etc etc etc. & have been pretty much treating myself at home for going on 1 1/2 years now....only something needing an ambulance would get me near a hospital!!!!!!

I have outpatient surgery scheduled for 1/7. I'm feeling a little hesitant, but can't put it off any longer, because I have delayed it since the beginning of COVID. It's scary to think what could be lurking there, but I got my booster last month.

@Organist1 I think with your boosters you should be okay...I have Congestive Heart Failure & must be extra careful even with the booster.
If it were me, I would request a tour of the area I was to be in...or pretend i was visiting for a Real look-see.......couldn't hurt to help your peace of mind.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery!


..... and if you are fat, diet!

screw that

@whiskywoman Exercise, instead?


Why are sooo many fools not aware of what's going on around them???

They believe the Big Lie. They are gullible, and incapable, apparently, of critical thinking.

@Organist1 Some feel they do practice 'critical thinking.' They criticize others thinking.

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