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Where is the federal government getting this 6.5 % inflation rate?? I’m a farmer and rancher in western Oklahoma and I’ve observed the following:

Fuel is about 1/3 higher than a year ago.
Anhydrous ammonia fertilizer one of the most commonly used nitrogen fertilizers has gone from 450 dollars per ton to 1,115 dollars per ton in less than a year.
5.4 pound glyphosate one of the most commonly used chemicals has gone from 12.50 per gallon to 52.50 per gallon since late 2020.
A 3X4 big square baler has gone from 132,000 to 175,00 since last year.
I could go on and on but it seems to me that inflation is rampant and may even get worse. Maybe we need to get rid of a bunch of those idiots in Washington especially the democrats!

Trajan61 8 Dec 16

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Inflation, unemployment, and gender pay gap, are all single variable averages that do not reflect reality for pretty much everyone, everywhere, every now....


Try hitting your Jeezus Trumpy up for a loan!
I'm sure he'd help you out!


Your brain is too small to comprehend the bigger picture.


Biden’s war on natural gas has a lot to do with higher fertilizer as it’s made from natural gas.

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