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"God is a fact about ourselves"
There's nothing supernatural about this video, I think
Help me out with something here?

They say humanity's intelegence has developed because we have more developed language skills. But, as this video points out, there is some degree of knowlege that comes before the ability to quantify it. I know we participate in unspoken language, and even dogs cooperate with us without a sylable being spoken, as they cooperate with each other to hunt. Could it be, (or IS it?) that people's ideas of gods come from our ability to recognize what each other are thinking, and use that recognition towards mutual progress? It would then be easy, for some, to claim a supernatural cause and insist on following the percieved procedures they thought led to causation?
Or maybe I'm FOS and doing the exact thing I'm suggesting

JustKip 7 Apr 22

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Some people get so caught up in their own religious indoctrination that they spend their time, thoughts and precious energy trying to disprove their 'own' god. For the vast majority on here that means the christian god. Wider your horizons, and therefore the debate. Track the history of religious belief and you track the history of human evolution. The firsts gods were linked to nature and the then unexplainable, thunder, lightning, the seasons, the sun etc. Thor, Zeus, Posedion. The greek gods were capricious in nature and had human attributes , anger, greed, jealousy. When philosophy began gods became philosophical.
Religion adapted to survive. Monotheism is really only a recent adaptation. Christianity basically steals the old testament from the jews in order to give it longevity with the result that god can simultaneously be a forgiving and an unforgiving god. Anyone with a modicum of sense can recognise that god was made in man's image and not the reverse as is frequently claimed. These days god is so adaptable that he can simultaneously rain down hellfire on homosexuals whilst washing the feet of prostitutes. It's all smoke and mirrors. Marriage is sacred until it is no longer sacred, sex is for childbirth and contraception a sin until overpopulation, the examples are endless.


I posted this elsewhere before but for those who haven’t seen it, Shermer and Dennett both partly ascribe this propensity for creating gods to our naturally selected tendency to assign agency to phenomena. The relevant portion of the vid starts at around 2:00 minutes in.


Don't have 20 minutes for a video at the moment but you might want to google about Jayne's theory of the bicameral mind. It's unfalsifiable unfortunately, but I think it's maybe 25% likely to be substantially true. The idea is that when we were strictly hunter-gatherers, we actually heard voices in our heads and this is the origin of belief in gods. As human society moved to more organized and cooperative forms of living (villages, agriculture, cities) the gene expression shifted (a few thousand years BC) and the unicameral mind we now know became the norm, which facilitated the evolution of predominant religious ideation from animism / spiritism to polytheism and monotheism.

I don't have an inherent problem with notions like this that theism was inherent to human development; that doesn't mean gods or the supernatural are real, just that we have a tendency to give credence to such things. It's been, and will continue to be a long, slow slog away from that kind of thinking.

@JustKip It's too recent for the brain to have been physically different. It is just a change in gene expression (an epigenetic change). However you're correct, the bicameral mind hypothesis is speculative and un-falsifiable and therefore not scientific. It is just a plausible speculation, nothing more.


What does FOS mean?

@JustKip Oh FFS! Lol.


Good point...our brain has increased over time, especially our frontal lobe. I can believe that we are in a god that is creative, innovative and empathic! The rest is accidental as in the way air collides to cause a storm or tornado! One other point, no one human has all the answers and some humans have higher knowledge than others!


I am not sure but that is an interesting perspective


Excellent video! Thanks for posting.

skado Level 9 Apr 22, 2018

it's mainly from being self-aware and especially with dying and just not understanding the vastness of what we don't know and don't understand. the indigenes Americans thought the Spanish on horseback were one gd like creature after all until they found out differently.

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