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I know I'm being pedantic, but I don't like describing myself 'godless'. When someone is 'lifeless', it indicates that there should be 'life' but it is somehow missing. Similarly, when someone is 'godless', it indicates that there should be a god but it is somehow missing. And in my case, there has never been a god in the first place in my life, so I cannot be 'godless'...
How do you describe yourself as an atheist?

Ryo1 8 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I usually describe myself as old, ugly, blue eyed and bald, same as I would if I was religious.


I would describe myself as godless when I am among certain types of people, principally religious fundamentalists. To everybody else I describe myself as an atheist.

(And the fact that I once described myself as an atheist to a hospital receptionist and she became discommoded is entirely her problem, not mine.)


Not a term I use. To me it means to be without something that it's possible to have. If I'm moneyless, I'm without money; it doesn't mean money doesn't exist. Godless was a term invented by the delusional religious to put down atheists.


I really do not care if you have personal issues that makes you so afraid you have to name your fear(s) to survive when there is nothing to fear!!!


I would describe myself as "non-religious". I don't participate in religion in the same way that I don't participate in rock climbing or stamp collecting or unicorn hunting.

  1. Stop being pedantic.
  2. Stop using labels.
  3. If you don't like doing something, easy, stop doing it.
  4. Answer to your last question, I don't describe myself as anything, I just don't believe in bullshit.

I think of myself as a scientist.


Homo sapiens.

skado Level 9 Dec 24, 2021

I'm just one, but still.

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