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I know nurses in my area are not getting their vaccines . And government is force to agree in order for them to return to over crowded hospitals.

More and more vaccines hesitate people are joining another kind of band wagon.

Comedian like Joe Ragan, Ressel Brand, Ressel Peters and recent Bill Maher is not taking his booster. Verteran Comedians are the most honest and serious people I know.

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Just want to keep it clear. Vaccination is not Science. Vaccination is Technology, the use of Science.

Technology is putting Science to good use or bad Orange, bombs, making Covid in a Laboratory. Technology is a money-maker. This is not to ignore the wonderful uses of Technology but let's keep our thinking clear.

For me, not all vaccinations are alike. To claim it is Science is to wipe away critical thinking.

Science is man's attempt to capture the infinite, which is always impossible. Science is always changing as man discovers newer and newer truths altering last year's absolutes.

Let's not use Science as a God substitute sometimes persecuting heretics who see the bad use of some form of Technology. Who initiates the persecution? The money-maker, the one who discovered a way to become super rich by bastardizing Science with no regard for the harm he is doing.

For me, I chose to get vaccinated because this is a world-wide emergency. On one hand, I felt it was my duty, On the other hand, this virus is a killer and I wanted protection.


Do you know these nurses personally? How many are there?

If every scientist, philosopher, or genius throughout history believed in a god, that still would not prove a god exists, and if every comedian that ever existed didn't take the vaccine, that still wouldn't prove that others shouldn't take it. People are dying from COVID-19, that is fact, vaccines have helped and saved people, that is fact, if you get COVID-19 you could die from it, that is fact.

Spewing nonsense to undergird and strengthen your ideology and beliefs is exactly what believers do, who cares what believers believe, they are insane. Believers will kill and die over their beliefs, how far will you go?

Nice try, nogod, but he's a wounded egomaniac impervious to reality.
I no longer try to reason with him; instead I lob insult-grenades his way. It's more fun and much less frustrating.

@Storm1752 Yes, so very true. It is hard to deal with those who are not honest with themselves or others.


"Comedians are the most honest and serious people I know."

True, and quite a startling commentary on our times.


Verten comedians? You don't even bother to correct your spelling errors? Or do you even know how to spell VETERAN?
Why do you persist? Nearly ONE MILLION dead because of this misguided defiance of common sense and hard, cold SCIENCE. Isn't that enough for you?
I thought atheists we're supposed to be science geeks; what happened to you and the Republican freaks on here like C.J.? Did you all fall and hit your heads on DUMB?

Sometimes my edit doesn't do well from an isolation off grid area. Getting ready for the shit storm for the next few years, because many people are too deeply programed for victims for zombie/robots apocalypse. Not and atheist, I'm always open minded to all individuals and all groups and take the good bits from each one of them to be compatible. It's a must that Science is well incorporated into my lifelong profession of fine sculpture, museum displays, and always building entire tiny house community.

Hey bra, cool your jets. There is no need for ad hominem attack here. She is obviously a second language learner. Give her a break. (By the way, how many languages do you speak? One?) Furthermore, it seems you failed to glean her meaning. She is obviously pro-vaccine, pro science. She writes,

"More and more vaccines hesitate people are joining another kind of band wagon."

What she is obviously trying to say is, more and more vaccine-hesitant people are jumping on the anti-science band wagon.

And the CNN article she shared has this in it's introduction:

"Find out more about these debunked Covid-19 vaccine myths and how to speak to someone who's hesitant to get vaccinated."

Does that sound like it's anti-science? No.

If I understand her last comment, I think she is expressing surprise and concern that a few comedians are not getting their shots while the vast majority are reliably sane, pro-science individuals.

I will let Castlepaloma correct me if I have misinterpreted her meaning.

I think you owe her an apology son. Man up.

@Castlepaloma Yes, you are too deeply programmed by the transparent lies being shovelled into your every orifice
I KNOW why you're being lied to, but why would the government experts lie? To put tracking chips in my blood? To depopulate Earth? What's the latest conspiracy theory?
Enlighten me. And don't say "corporate greed," that's a cliche even for you. And boring. The science-fiction/horror stuff is much more entertaining.


Always been a rebel and an inventor, too much a sceptic to be mind control. Put Omicron and Delta letter together you got mind control. Many people feel like they are living in a Steven King novel. Except it's real, and almost unbelievable to think it could be pull off with 99.89 chance of survival from covid vaccines or not.

@Flyingsaucesir I only wish you were right, FS, but Castle is a wounded egomaniac who has "heroically" refused to get vaccinated at great professional and personal cost, but also refuses to take his penalty stoically; instead he has embarked on a crusade to "expose" the nefarious government and it's evil conspiracy to ruin him and courageous people like him.
I was exposing his faulty "facts," but I've tired of it. It's clear the REAL truth has no effect on him whatsoever. Besides, taking gratuitous potshots at him/her/whatever and his fellow delusionists is more fun anyway.

@Flyingsaucesir Maybe you owe Castlepaloma an apology, HE may be at times misguided, but HE has HIS gender as MALE on HIS bio.
Look before you shoot off your face.

Already done! I just visited his profile, realized my mistake, and made my amends.

@Castlepaloma You're wrong, as usual. It's not ALMOST unbelievable, it IS unbelievable.
Take me, for example. I waltzed right into the drugstore, three times got my shot, and waltzed right back out. No mind control, no side effects, painless, easy. Nobody "controlled" me or my mind. I did it because I didn't want to be unprotected if exposed to a serious virus.
As it is, I am now protected and anxiety-free!
I also got a flu shot.
Shingles? I got that shot a long time ago. A friend of mine didn't get her shingles shot, came down with it, and is STILL suffering sux monthß later. Flares up every now and then. A shame. AND she's unvaccinstead against Covid and will probably get Omicron. She's 85, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard on her.

@Flyingsaucesir Don't bother apologizing to me, you don't know Castle like I do, and I hope you never will. I feel like the tar baby, and he's like the Terminator and keeps coming back.

@Beowulfsfriend, @Storm1752
Hmmm....well apparently you two are already well acquainted, and I am sadly out of the loop. I can relate (all too well) to the fatigue that comes with heating one's head against an immovable object. And I do deplore poor writing, almost as much as I do science denial and other bad politics. Maybe that's why I have been staying away lately.

@Flyingsaucesir It CAN be maddening if one allows it to percolate down to the ego level, but to me it's become an automatic response I have allowed, only because I don't want some unsuspecting person to come along and be unwittingly sucked into this counterproductive vortex of willful (?) ignorance.
But at the same time I don't take it TOO seriously! It's not a case of "apres moi, Le deluge!" I'm not on here constantly, but more than some others because I'm retired, alone, and have nothing better to do.
So for me this site is a source of a lot news, insights and, unfortunately, SOME things which I know for a FACT are nonsense, and I feel a knee-jerk compulsion to respond. Maybe I should make more of an effort to free up extra time here for more intellectually stimulating and edifying content, but it is, as they say, what it is.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it! 🤣

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