TrumpOLINI STILL GRABS PUSSY and women are still screwed for less money in shitty scarce jobs they out perform males on the same shitty jobs....PEACE THROUGH GREEN 100% EMPLOYMENT end patriarchal theocracy
What does “mature” mean? Is it to be disposed to do things around the house? Do we really believe that boys and girls differ in the innate abilities to do that? As @Rangepainter implied, it’s impossible to cogently analyze this subject without considering the relevant social context. Mops and other household appliances and utensils don’t have any gender-specific interface attachments. And anyone whose taken a look inside the kitchen or any restaurant lately can vouch for the fact that men can cook.
I think the emphasis on having responsibility for household things tells a part of the story. My husband was taught to cook and clean and take care of his own clothing because his mother insisted that he not depend on her for all of that. In the complex equation that adds up to attraction, did his skill in these areas count for something? Compared to other males I knew at the time, yeah, competence was sexy. But maturity is the ability to make good decisions. (My definition). I was still making some poor ones into my twenties. And so was he.
I'm not convinced by that. I'm a primary school teacher and girls generally start school with better language skills, fine motor skills and concentration than boys.
Whenever I'm observed teaching I need to have the same behaviour expectations of all children and for all children to make at least good progress, but there are always more boys than girls who find this tricky.
The assumption underlying this is that there is one objective standard of maturity. I doubt that. This is a general statement applied to ALL boys and ALL girls, and it describes a process that is quite different for each person regardless of gender. So while you can make the case that girls mature differently than boys, you can also make the case that each person matures differenrtly than any other person. Having said that, SOME boys are allowed to engage in sophomoric behavior way too long, but so are some girls, IMHO. You get into trouble when you generalize.
In what is intelligence, saying it all is part of what matters most and without expection. Less is like being a castrated dog IF you are more likely a god! Conquering CANCER, by World Admin LEIGHT. Herr Wet Licht in Dutch, @lawleight on TWITter. The word "wet" in Dutch is "law", and yes, it is pronounced "licked"... Newton didn't possibly know it all, fragile einstein eve_siv; Licht - Leight. Let's just not (talk about) (STRIKE THROUGH) pronounce the a little "e"!
The old Nature vs Nurture question. In my generation they worried about girls growing up gay or unmarriable if we climbed trees. Which I loved to do. I think they also thought that girl bones were more breakable than boy bones, because anything remotely likely to be a little rough was forbidden. Whatever natural tendency I had to take risks or enjoy physical activity was seriously dampened by this parenting strategy. Did this make me more mature? I doubt it. But I never had a brother or had to parent a boy, so I'd like to hear from women who grew up with male siblings. Also, men, this shouldn't be threatening. In your personal experience, has this been true?
YES! I also climbed trees and am unmarried; now I know it is because of not correctly tending my greetings, like "Hi men", because of what can happen as humans naturalize instincts while climbing trees in difficult positions. Like a good woman and feminist, I now command all the military of the earth, the UN and any government ministry I like including the top office of any and every nation. Would you like to join me - there is a nuclear war slated for 2022-23? Is you "parenting strategy" damp enough to enjoy rough and formerly forbidden physical activity? Since you have waited so long, perhaps we can catch this on film and make a commanding fashion video. To challenge these and other problems with girls and bones, take a look at the performance of Leight Lingerie (L'Eight) in Sweden. They always manage to get the ball in the pocket in billiards and teach... And instead of getting them to just do what all the other women do, I was hoping for an award winning Nobel Peace Prize speech sent directly to Syria, Iraq trumping Muslim law, feminism and naked exploitation with the commands that save 100000+ lives within five years. Up for it? (Admiral hp endover, Hymen Philips Bendover, Herr Dhr Wet Licht in German and Dutch...
Oh they sure do... I have two, they are adults now. They were brought up to be independent and to make their own choices. Both outspoken. If I had ever punish them unfairly for anything then they would've told me so by now. I must have done something right and still believe that girls mature faster than boys....
Thanks @Keyboard-Mama.... Reason being, I grew up in a very religious repressive enviroment. I didn't want ANY form of repression for my kids
This... makes a whole lot of sense.
Hi @RealmOfReality !! Just stopping by to say hello and to share with you that I go to your neck of the woods once a year in September. Its a motorcycle ride with a group of friends, one of them grew up over there so we just pass thru to get to Lanesville heritage weekend. Anyhow, just throwing that one out for no reason. Cheers !!!
@IamNobody That sounds fun. I've never been to Lanesville Heritage Weekend even though I've lived in southern IN for 8 years. I need to get out more! Maybe I'll have to check it out this year.
Oh that won't be necessary... I just realized that I jumped the gun too soon and now I am the creepy dude that may come to town.... Sorry, didn't mean it that way !!!!!!
@Keyboard-Mama you're so nice !! ?
@Keyboard-Mama.... Seriously doubt it. Now I like you even more because I also go bananas when can't find my car keys and don't get me started on the whiskey bottles .. so, nope I don't think I would change my mind. We all have our moments, don't we?