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When tying your shoes, which method do you use? "Loop, swoop, and pull" or "bunny ears"?

RealmOfReality 5 Apr 23

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I would cite one scholarly journal article on this topic:


"The two most popular ways to lace shoes have historically been to use 'criss-cross' or 'straight' lacing — but are these the most efficient? Here we demonstrate mathematically that the shortest lacing is neither of these, but instead is a rarely used and unexpected type of lacing known as 'bowtie' lacing. However, the traditional favourite lacings are still the strongest".

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People not using the "bunny ears" method are the reason we have our current president.

Haha! I use the bunny ears method - that's just how I was taught. Every once in a while, someone will notice me tying my shoes and make fun of the way I do it.

@RealmOfReality That only makes them wrong and rude!


bunny ears


That's a bit of a personal question. 😐


Are you sure you mean shoe laces and not playboy bunnies ?


I don't tie my shoes, I use Velcro straps



Essie Level 6 Apr 23, 2018

Loop, swoop, pull. I had to think about it.


Loop, Swoop, Pull


If I thought about it while I do it . . I wouldnt be able to do it. I set my brain to Auto-droid and it happens by magic.

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