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Holocaust Remembrance Day

HankHunter13 7 Jan 28

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WRONG:::: most germans had no idea what was happening. Just like here, with thousands of illegals flown to cities all over the US, EVERY NIGHT!. Video everywhere about this being real.

Last year, 2 MILLION illegals have moved into your neighborhoods.... Witrhout covid tests.....

The NAZIs were a gang with weapons....... most or our large inner cities have this insanity: 2021;;; 9000 black people were murdered by black people...BLM has contributed to at least 30,000 deaths of BLACK people. No police, more crime.

This cannot continue without civil war.


The problem is that those taught to hate from infancy have no shame and cannot be embarrassed out of pursuing a course that feeds that hate. Holocaust warnings fall on deaf ears of those who embrace delusion. One should not infer honor or humanity for those who have none.


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