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Finally Canadian are pushing back from harmful vaccination mandates.

A year ago, I said they will try to mandate vaccines. Most here said they would not mandate it. Here we are, fighting for our choice of body, freedom and human rights

We are Trudeau's sheep, except these people.

Castlepaloma 8 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Enjoy your ride on the crazy train. This protest is largely misinformed people such as yourself, fascists, white supremacists, anti-semites and fundamentalist Xstians. Which one of these groups do identify with?

Since most unvaxx people like myself are not allowed to go to Ottawa.
So most protesters like yourself, that are vaccinated are doing most of the protesting. They are pro choice and standing for freedom.
Most of my family and friends are nonwhite and see many in Ottawa as a group that are cosmopolitan. Unless your viewing from a Kington prison.

@Castlepaloma I wish you could understand the level of disrespect that you are showing towards your fellow Canadians and particularly the nurses and doctors who are going to have to deal with the fall out from this inane event that will certainly lead to a huge uptick in Covid cases that require hospitalization in hospitals that are already understaffed and overcrowded.
I live on an island outside of Kingston but my family sailed over to Battle Harbour, Labrador in 1753 to fish and to fight the French for the King of England, please don't ever think of questioning my patriotism to this country that you clearly don't understand in the least. We didn't come steerage, we owned and captained the ship.


I Respect everyone in degrees and I'm no worst or better than anyone else. Yet certainly there is the greatest disrespect ever. For the vaccinatied towards the unvaccinated for their ultimate choice to their own body and their freedoms.

Canadian hospital in Nova Scotia are forced to rehire nurses who are unvaccinated because many of vaccinated nurses have Covid.

I done a few sculptures of Tecumseh's who brought over 5000 natives to fight the Americains vs Canada in 1812 war. If it wasn't for this native cheif bravery and wisdom there would not be a speak of.
I married a native woman and daughter is a half breed. I love native culture because they always have said. Not ever trust the Government. Natives get my ultimately respect, not the Governments, who have been the greatest killers of any group in the last 100 years in human history.


Can't fix stupid

lerlo Level 8 Jan 30, 2022

Everyone have done stupid things in their lives. Then within their lives, they make adjustments. Then there are extreme people who have actually drilled holes into their heads and call it Holly. OR lab animals died from Covid vaccine, then experimental people take the same vaccines with no science to back it up and no proven results it's working. I'm for freedom and live and let life, so go for it. What ever works.

Yet, with no opposing scientist or other alternative medical views. There is no progress and that would be stupid in action.

When nobody here can provide proof that vaccines are working. Then they have no evidence or fact to back anything up. I won't be disrespectful to your intelligence. Just recommend gaining more knowledge, because the agnorance is showing. It's time for adjustment after 2 years of failures. These grassroots Canadians will make their own healthy choices and changes, not politician or billionaire self interest don't change for equalizer life or share well profit quality for the public.

@Castlepaloma "When nobody here can provide proof that vaccines are working." Let me guess, you're also a Holocaust denier? Of course you also think Trump won the 2020 election. More importantly you think people have the freedom to hurt other people which is what people who deny that the vaccine works do or that covid is a hoax. Unfortunately we live in a society where you agree not to hurt other people in your society. Don't like it, leave the society.


Here we go again. I'm an anarchist, I respect all people in degrees, the lowest degree of respect are bullies like banks, state and big Pharma in that order. There is 1000 movies about Hitler and Holocaust and maybe one on Stalin's , figure that out and get back to me. Only two rules, is be honest and don't harm. I'm not any more responsible than you when the world population growth hadn't change a bit from this nasty flu Covid or the common cold like omicron. I've not hurt anyone in my life, in fact I've saved many lives through action of healthy foods and medicine, Freedom through freedom of speech or as an artist and affordable housing available for 90% of the population.

What have you done for society, other than bitch about live and let live?. Or do you prefer sucking up on how we are not doing enough for government God's. And how we are not doing enough for the religious greedy trillionaires.

@Castlepaloma Wow, you duck questions very well. So let me get this straight, there have been over 5.5 MILLION deaths attributed to COVID but because you say the population growth rate hasnt changed (people fucked more during covid) that it's ok. So you don't harm but you don't care if other people do, by not vaccinating and not wearing masks to protect their fellow man. In my opinion you harm people by posting such nonsense. But as long as you can sleep at night all is well right?

In our healthy holistic community of green living, we find sound sleeping is more important than food.
I get to choose my sacrifice in how I live or die, not the greedy bully bastards of tyranny forcing my will of lethal injection. That has increase Covid deaths nearly three time since vaccine roll outs. European are per capita are 15 times the Covid deaths and 8 time the vaccination rate than Africa. Numbers don't lie, State, bankers and pharma do lie, and greater than any group of what is left of human beings and humanity.

Where can I afford the ampathy for the stupid 78% obese who choose to die of covid. Or when 75% Covid deaths are over age 80 + that are dieing anyways. Or only 0.007 of people in the world will die of Covid. This is about ceremonial mass suicide and world order, nothing about sound health at all. You do you and I will do me. Where no one is my boss unless through kindness, not tyranny.

@Castlepaloma so you think vaccines cause covid and let me guess you believe trump when he says testing causes covid right? Now you're blaming it all on fat people and old people who deserve to die anyway. Of course you won't look at the statistics that say that children are dying and middle-aged people are also dying, but of course you only look at the stats and the reporting that makes your point for you. It' called fake news, it's also fake facts. I would have stopped beating my head against the wall and maintaining this conversation long ago because I know better based on my original comment, but I also can't let you have the last word if you're lying all the time. So I'll be here as long as you will


Hey, I'm a kind of guy like Joe Rogan who can go on for 6 hours postcast Rather Lefty News force into onesided sound bites with billionaire sponsor like Pfizer.
That third booster shot Trump owes me $10,O00 , that two face mafia scumbag. And I think all North America political leaders right now are most horrible human beings. Included Trudeau that's having a bad hair day, hiding in Ottawa and afraid of Truck Trudeau signs, at his office building. Lik

I don't remember any children dying of Covid until vaccine came along. A report in Europe 37, 000 have died under the age of 17. They would be safer in Africa. Where Europe is 15 times greater in Covid death and 8 times more vaccinated than Africa

@Castlepaloma good drugs, bad schooling,? blah blah blah blah blah. For someone who doesn't care about North America you sure do seem to pay a lot of attention


Blah blah to some is much better than ba ba baa ba ba sheelp to the few greedy of all time. I actually helped Trudeau and others to make marrijanna legal. I don't support or take lethal drugs into my body, the Covid vaccines are not even a vaccine.

The world is my family, and for nature and humanity , no country or anybody owns me. . I didn't says I'm anti anything. Government are our servants and they can take care of the small stuff, not to own our mind bodies and soul.

@Castlepaloma "A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins"

Covid vaccines are not vaccines according to you because you don't want them to be. I could say a tree isn't a tree and it would be the same thing.

I don't have any corrupted power to change the definition any toxic vaccine. The CDC did that for fear of FEDs.


A duck a duck unless it's all cluster fuck up by lawyers and Politicians, then it's a sitting duck.

@Castlepaloma yes and by your own definition, a vaccine is a vaccine whether it's protection or immunity some people just can't read or understand

So what you're telling me is you don't follow the laws of your country either because it's just politicians telling you what to do right Anarchy is best total chaos correct?

As I said I'll be here as long as you are because I don't suffer fools well

@Castlepaloma perhaps you should also check the definition of democracy. Pretty sure your country is a democracy. Politicians voted in by the people to represent the people. Their job is to protect their people which is why at least in the United States according to the Supreme Court, states can mandate vaccines. Laws made by politicians who represent the people who voted for them. And if you didn't vote for him too bad move to another place


There is only one God and it's call Government. It's not my God nor corporationism is not my religion. Nature is and love is my God. If democracy is true blue why then we're gays locked up in prison for being gays in the 70s and marijuana emprisionment for 90 years it went on for. Were they Conspiracy theories? That changed from mental illness and public enemy number one. To one of the best medicine in the world and the other ultimate love ones same sex marriage. The same story for Covid vaccines, it just people are not as stupid today. Just like Africa refusing to be vaccinated by knowing from experience that malaria and aids vaccines were failures and sterilization like from our baby boomers to African.

I exchanged red flag of poli-tricks , religious and dangerous vaccine. To healthy natural foods, and medicine, freedom and affordable housing. Is that stupid and evil enough for you?

@Castlepaloma I know it's hard but you seriously believe that there is no proof that the vaccine works right? And it's just a convenient way for fat and stupid people to die right? And you also believe that we should have no government right? Try answering those questions yes or no without going off on ridiculous tangents


I already said on this thread . I'm not anti anything. Government are our servants and they can take care of the small stuff, not to own our mind bodies and soul.

Over a year mow, nobody can possibly show me any proof that vaccines works. Only how Uncle Sam pulls our arm behind our backs and force us to say Uncle.

Governments have reduced and depopulation the world population growth from the 1950 to 1/3 the members of the family today. Vaccines sterilization is in the vaccines and African have been the lastest victim like from Aids and malaria vaccines. Now they are wise to Covid killing vaccination and their death count is the proof.

@Castlepaloma if you won't open your eyes no one will be able to show you anyting


As an professional artist for 47 years on 6 Continent, and always open to anything, even greater than just using the eyes. Have confronted more people on this site about this topic than anyone for many have fears to open up. Gone toe to toe verbally by comparing science and health research, which vaxxer were flawed and failed me everytime.
I'm a story telling artist sculptor who is more connected to the nervous system of society than most. Show me the clearity of this cluster fuck Covid world Order.

The Canadian Truckers Stand with the people from all walks of life. Is being compared to the Berlin Wall. Take my body , then take my mind and soul. What do I have after been totally owned by State, banks and Pharma centralist?
A funny farm based on owning nothing.

@Castlepaloma you just like to rant about the oppressed without looking at science it's okay I'll still be here


show me the science?

@Castlepaloma I'll trade you you show me where it doesn't work first. There's too much of it for me to show you and you won't believe any of it


Where in the world are you getting the vaccines works.

The CDC has only release 1%to 10% of their research and now waiting for 75 more years to release it. Base on their opinion nature immunity is superior to delta variant. No report on Omicron except more people are hospitized are vaccinated.
Worldometer shows Europe per capita is 15 times greater for Covid deaths and 8 times more vaccination than the continent of Africa. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Denmark, UK, France on and on have dropped all their mandates and Covid restrictions.

What is this strong passion for Justin Trudeau, we already know he is charming and attractive like Fidel Castro which they had a deep relationships with.

@Castlepaloma and now you're a scientist too. Gee how did I know you weren't going to believe the facts and science? Back to square one you're just a denier it doesn't matter what I say maybe you'll catch it maybe you won't but apparently you're a gambler too so roll the dice


Didn't say I'm a scienctist. Always said I'm a sculptor/builder. Until the Covid world order had destroyed my Canada largest sculpture shop of 20 full-time staff. And hired thousands of artists throughout 47 years multimedia sculpture service of every kind of material one can imagine. Worked dinosaur and human history museums with. anthropologists, Scientists and historians.. Largest part was sand, snow sculpture. And costumes for TV , film and every kind venue service that can used anywhere that one can imagine in 3D..

@Castlepaloma good duck of the science and the statistics you're just a blind sculptor pretending to be a scientist that's all


Makes nonsense

@Castlepaloma exactly that's the definition of you. You're just mad because you lost business and employees not that the hoax virus doesn't exist, or that the vaccine doesn't work. Just like some people here are just mad at God but they still believe


Selfish anti-vaxers are prolonging the COVID-19 pandemic.

WALKING Petri dishes


Most Canadian news are coming clean that the unvaccinated are same as vaccinated for spreading covid. They just don't want to let go of their Pfizer sponsors. it's all about money, not health. Governments and media have not ever, had so much power and fear over People.

@castlepaloma look at the death rates you fucking moron


"choice of body, freedom and human rights"..... What about your social responsibility?

Who to? to centralist tyranny greedy bastards?. Trudeau has no respect to unvaccinated Canadian. Calling them women haters, racist and extremist. There is no different of spreading Covid from unvaccinated or vaccinated. Hospitalization is filled with 75% vaccinated people in hospital beds.

@castlepaloma quit spreading bullshity... Fucking moron

@Castlepaloma I agree with @Redneckliberal. Your "all encompassing" generalization has no merit. Just an attempt to spread hatred, poison. Solves nothing.


Show me scientific proof the vaccines are working or show me nothing but lies..


Robert Malone was one first who created the vaccines
says in Washington defeat the mandates.

What are you giving me, that the vaccines work other than killing the economy and freedoms. And only benefit the fear mongering banks , pharmaceutical and Governments.

@castlepaloma proof??!!... The fact that 99% of those dieing of covid now are the unvaccinated is ample proof... Unless of course you are a moron and subscribe to the cult conspiracy nonsense...


When Joe Biden said the 99% unvaccinated are to blame for the Covid and the vaccines are 100% safe. You actually believed him. if so not only slow Joe belongs in a nursing home and same for his followers.

Tell me, where Did slow Joe get his 99% scientific proof from what sciencist or in any science community?

@castlepaloma this from our national health experts... Not from you tube and some hacker trolling fucking morons like you


I'm in the business of organic food and medicine For what health expertise background do you have to call anyone a trolling moron. I am and into food first freedom and housing, what do you got going on?. I don't see any organization called national health experts. The two top so called expert were, UK which has lifted all their vaccine restrictions and Israel claim their failure . even top CEO of Pfizer claim there vaccines do very little or nothing to omicron. The CDC saying natural immunity is superior to delta and no answers for Omicron

So what part of your ass are you pulling your health expert out from?

@castlepaloma try the cdc for starters.... Or is that fake news for the anti vaxxers


Oh yes! Fauci uses this CDC all the time. First they only release about 1% of their research and holding back the rest for 75 years to come. I guess CDC doesn't care the whole world is in a black plauge crisis. Or worried the FEDs will kill them if they don't comply. Or even the fact that the world population growth hasn't changed one bit.[]

CDC gave and opinion without research on there is not vaccines yet, for omicron and Immunity is more superior than the delta.virant. They need something with a stronger name, like leprosy variant , to scare everyone back to the vaccines.

It's all beyond Insanity.

@castlepaloma the insanity is between your ears..... Go home and suck on your ivermectin and stfu


if One in a 1000 chance I catch omicron , I won't even need any Nobel prize medicine for something like a common cold..
Otherwise you got nothing other than being sacrifices sheep for your absolutely corrupted centralist

@castlepaloma we should be so lucly


I've got more of a Chance of being killed from combination of dear accidents and masquitos in this world than by coviid

@castlepaloma too bad your grammar and spelling errors arent fatal


Writings is not my thing, especially a weak off grid system. Missing millions paid attendance of fans every year, where my sculptures do the talking.

@castlepaloma stick with playing in the sand..... Forget a medical career, you wont appear so ignorant


I stick to healthy foods and medicine. Freedom in speech and my arts. Also providing affordable! housing for minimum wage people without mortgage.

You stick to banksters, State , and shove Pharma lethal injection into your arm and ass for ever.
Other than that, don't see one service you provide for humanity, other than supporting tyranny.

@castlepaloma you sound like a spoksperson for fox news.... All you are doing is parroting bullshit....


I say don't trust the Government on both wings of the same bald headed vulture A fox, guards a hen house doesn't it. Both side can tell some truth , yet mostly lies that solve nothing.
I trust Half my Family who are native. They say, don't ever trust the Government, a sculpture of mine.


I find News generally XXX BS
with odd truth bits. I love my work with scientist and holistic natural paths. My happiness proof is good health and I forget the crap from State, Pharma and Banks unless they attempt to lethal injected it into me

That is your job as a broken parrot of insanity

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