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It will soon be illegal in Australia to point out to any fundamentalist Christian that the God of the Bible is a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues, and to point out to all Earth Creationists that are flying in the face of geoscience: []

anglophone 9 Feb 9

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So they are making the public reading of The Bible, illegal???

Read it out loud to any fundamentalist Muslim and yes, you could land up in jail.

@anglophone Not where I live, we aren't afraid of people just because they are different. We do like to give the religitards a wide berth because they are clearly bat shit crazy to some degree or another.

@SnowyOwl I forgot to add that our Prime Minister is a clap-happy Christian supremacist.

@anglophone Canadian here so I knew that, we are still part of the same Commonwealth, in tatters as it is.


Conservatives have lost their fucking minds

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