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I love men and women equally.
Women have an internal strength.
Men have an external strength.
We both need eachother. We fill eachothers voids.
There is no competition needed or validated for such a humble connection.
Let's start from there, shall we?

FinchiMcQ 6 Apr 24

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That generalization is not grounded in fact. I have known men and women with either or both or lacking either of those traits.

I see the personality aspect of your argument..

Can a biological woman come and beat up any random man?

Because men have an external strength that women cannot naturally possess.

Can a biological man give birth? No

Because women have an internal strength than men do not naturally possess.

Why not celebrate that we need eachother?

@FinchiMcQ Sorry you are so wrong. What you say makes absolutely no sense and is contrary to scientific and biological fact. Do we need each other, yes, most of us do.

@FinchiMcQ that's very regressive and somewhat inaccurate thinking.

Show me how I'm wrong..

Anyone can have an opinion.?

@Sticks48, @DanceGoat How is that?

Its intelligent to have a valid point to back up your opinion..

@FinchiMcQ Yours is an opinion with nothing to back it up. You are the one with a sweeping generalization. My 70 years of experience with people from all walks of life from all over the country tells me otherwise except for the statement that we need each other, with a few exceptions. ?

@Sticks48 How are my words contrary to scientific and biological fact?

Men who were born with XY chromosomes cannot have babies and are physically stronger.

Women with an XX chromosome can get pregnant, thus have an internal strength that a man doesn't have.

Thus we need eachother to survive.

Where's your point to contradict that?


"Need" is a highly subjective term.

People literally need eachother, my dear.
It's a fact of life.

@FinchiMcQ Please don't use your patronizing tone with me. I am not your "dear".
Women only "need" men to a point, and vice-versa.
Once the reproductive portion of life has ended, women really don't "need" men. We can choose to be around them if we want to, but we don't "need" them. Your generalization is entirely too broad.

@KKGator Damn, how do you know I'm being patronizing through a cell phone?????
That's funny as hell!!

I cannot talk to overly emotional people like you..
Bad vibes.


I wonder why there is a need to hearken back to outdated views of gender which are binary and stereotypical.

Please explain why you don't think women and men both have different but equal strengths...

@FinchiMcQ Because psychological and biological sciences are discovering more and more each day that gender is mostly a cultural construct, which we mutually impose upon each other. Rather than dividing people into their culturally assigned roles, I find it more useful to take people as they are individually.

I do think it can be wonderful when partners who find each other have different and complementary skills, talents, and attributes. However, I prefer to see those things in the context of their life experience and general humanity, rather than boxing those skills, talents, and attributes into a limited role-based category such as gender.

I don't mean to come across as judgmental as I may seem. However, I definitely would like to promote the truth about gender roles, and help to undermine the historical reliance upon gender-based stereotypes as a way to categorize and/or (mis)understand people.

@ejbman I didn't say gender..I said men and women.
Can a biological man have a baby?
And no amount of science will ever change that fact of life.

Thank you for speaking up ejbman.
And thank you for articulating that so well.

@FinchiMcQ The notion of men and women IS gender. What it sounds like you are talking about is sex.
"Biological men" is a fairly offensive term. What it sounds like you are talking about is cis men.
While there have not yet been any cis men to carry a fetus to term (that I'm aware of) many trans men have, and they are no less "biological" or "real" men.
Furthermore, women and womanhood should NEVER be defined by procreative ability. It's very misogynistic.

@FinchiMcQ The terms "men" and "women" are gender terms. You then proceeded to invoke stereotypes. That is outdated and inaccurate. So is the term "biological man". But even so, I know tons of men, myself included, who have had babies. I did not carry the baby during gestation, if that's what you mean. But even that will be possible sooner rather than later.

Look up nanomedicine. We will be able to replicate not only any organ of any human at will, but we will be able to create organs never seen before. Science is more powerful than any other force.

@ejbman When did the biological man become an offensive term when it's scientifically-based terminology??

@FinchiMcQ Science is not an unchanging thing written on tablets. The most recent and best science recognizes that the term "man" refers to a socially constructed role that some people are strongly encouraged or even forced to play by the society in which they live. A person's biology only incidentally figures into it. For instance, many trans or intersex persons have been forced into the role of man when it did not fit who they are at all, just because someone looked between their legs and saw what they wanted to see. That's what is so offensive about these terms: it obliviously presupposes the privilege of cisgendered people to try and impose a gender role on somebody who may or may not want it.

@ejbman none of that makes sense.

If you have an XY are a biological man who cannot get pregnant naturally but have an external strength that balances it's counterpart..

That counterpart is female...born with an XX chromosome pattern which allows gestational internal strength that balances her counterpart respectfully.

Trans issues fall under a mental and social construct that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about initially, I'm afraid.

We all still need eachother to survive, regardless.?

@FinchiMcQ It's obvious that you are completely uneducated on this issue. Please educate yourself. Here is a start:



@ejbman I don't need "education" on a subject that has absolutely nothing to do with my initial post.

If I want to discuss sociology, I'll let you know ?

I'm talking about men and women needing eachother to survive.

You can't argue this fact.
In sorry.

@FinchiMcQ Apparently you need education even more remedial than what I've offered, if you think your post has nothing to do with gender roles, LOL. You made claims about the qualities of genders. Those claims lack meaningful evidence. They are also heteronormative and cis-centric. This displays an ignorance of what gender is and what it means.

I can most vehemently, accurately, and scientifically argue about your point. For instance, I think women do not need men to survive at all, especially Lesbian women. Over generations, they might need sperm, but they don't need men. For instance, there may be women who produce sperm (transwomen), and so men might not be needed in any way. This is just one scenario.

Now if you are trying to make some point about relationships, that people need each other in order to experience love, I will agree with you completely. If you are making the further point that each person typically has complimentary skills, talents, and qualities and that learning to appreciate, accept, and love the differences in your counterpart is an important part of a successful relationship, I will agree with you as well.

But once you start spouting nonsense about what "men are" or what "women are", then I'm going to call you on your b.s. and your ignorance. I joined to be with people who don't hold beliefs without scientific evidence, not to be regaled with nonsense.


“Women have an internal strength. Men have an external strength” ? What generalisation is this? Lol

KenG Level 6 Apr 24, 2018

It's a physical standpoint, mostly...anatomically-speaking..

@FinchiMcQ giiiirl, get thee to an adult toy store.


Nicely said. It's unfortunate that some people need to be pissed about something at all times.


I think I understand what you're saying, and I agree to a certain point. Humans were hardwired to be social creatures, and we need each other for things like mating. There is also (imo) a strong instinct to intermingle. So on a basic (but very important) basis, you are correct.

However, categorizing women and men in any way is limiting, and generalizations are always inherently unfair.

marga Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

Thank you for your comment..
How am I categorizing exactly??

@FinchiMcQ Oh, when you say women are this and men are that. That's a very broad categorization.

@marga I don't understand.

I love men and women equally and my intention was never to categorize but celebrate our differences in the fact that we need eachother to survive.


Women with external strength.

A biological woman cannot come up to any man and beat him up.
It's not gonna happen.
Men are biological stronger externally in that way.

And no biological man can have a baby.
Never gonna happen..
Women have an internal strength in that way.

These are facts.

Bodybuilding is a hobby.
How hard is that to understand?

@FinchiMcQ I'm pretty sure these are biological women, and I wouldn't want to mess with them.

@The_Antichrist random biological woman isn't gonna come up to a man and beat him up...

@FinchiMcQ I don't know about that. Some random biological women are pretty fierce. And if it were truly random, then it could be a body builder or an MMA fighter, right? I don't want none of that.

@FinchiMcQ look on the Internet (I refuse to do free education on this) there is an elevator security video of a tiny little woman, who knows martial arts, kicking the shit out of a full-grown man.
Stop painting us as needing protection please.

@The_Antichrist my intention is to celebrate our differences..not compare mma fighters.


I don't need men to fill any void. I am strong externally. I know men that are physically weak and emotionally strong. I find your statement sexist and unfair to everyone. Men, women, homosexuals, and asexuals.

Absolutely! I can't bench press a bus; but as a salesman and devoted family man, I know where my strength comes from. Inward.

@SnatchHammer66 the way she says it "men and women need eachother to fill a void" implies that I need a man in my life or that a man NEEDS a woman.

If there were no men at all I could still find companionship to fill the void in women. Likewise men could fill their loneliness with other men. It is not our genders that fill the voids of loneliness. It is not our genders who dictate how we live. Likewise I could go the rest of my life without a lover and be fine. To suggest that you are broken because you don't have a void for a man to fill is baseless

How am I being sexist by stating facts.

Can a biological woman come and beat up any random man?

Because men have an external strength that women cannot naturally possess.

Can a biological man give birth? No

Because women have an internal strength than men do not naturally possess.

How could someone get offended by declaring biological facts?

The intention in my message is to love and accept eachother strengths and weaknesses as a means to unify instead of bicker and fight for no reason.

@FinchiMcQ that is the BASICS of sexism! I know DOZENS of women who could beat up men. It does NOT take internal strength to give birth! It takes a fucking uterus. Are women who can't give birth any LESS strong than other women? Are men who AREN'T physically strong not men?

You're the one seperating people out by deciding what makes a man or woman and that we women are inherently weaker fuck that you're just not trying.

It is sexist and it is false and it perpetuates the mysoginistic and patronizing social standards that shouldn't exist to begin with. The only "Facts" you offer is outdated sexism that aren't even facts.

@LadyAlyxandrea I am woman. Hear me roar.

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