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Russia's invasion is wrong... And there is no evidence of genocide.... but the US did support Nazi militia, criminal gangs, and politicians in Ukraine... American foreign policy needs to be called out for it's self-destructive addiction to white supremacy...

It should be noted that Russia deliberately pushed pro white supremacy narratives to America's far religious right over the last two decades at least... In order to paint Russia as a last bastion of white Christian dominance.

domos 7 Feb 25

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In what way would calling out America's participation be helpful to the Ukrainian people?

Ukraine is a country full of natural resources both in fossil fuels and agricultural bounty. It is also useful to Putin to help divide Europe and America. Divide and conquer has always been a very successful tactic.

Nationalism is not always evil. It is quite understandable when you are surrounded by a country that wants your resources. There is Russian sympathy within Ukraine and Crimea mainly because many Russians immigrated to this area where the natural resources offered many opportunities. Ukraine was a victim during World War II and many Ukrainians died in slave labor camps in Germany. Then they were again victimized by the Russians after the war.

Justifying Russians invasion because there are Russians living in Ukraine is like saying Mexico has a right to invade Texas.

No one is all right or all wrong and more people need to understand that. I can understand your anger at white supremacy organizations using their skin color to promote their authoritarian goals. All of us need to remember that there are many different forces and reasons for conflict. I for one think most of them are wrong.

One, I'm not sure any evidence presented in the post or the video justifies the invasion. So I cannot respond to that point.

I'm not sure nationalism not always being evil was a point raised by either the video or my post. The fact of the matter is that nationalism is very vulnerable to destructive extremism.

It seems Western governments as a whole have ignored the dangers of white supremacy combined with nationalism... And they keep playing with fire when they try to exploit it and their power games.

As humanity advances in technology and capability... The cost of playing with fire is going to go up. The current tragedy In Ukraine it's just one example.

The criticism of this video is the United States history of trying to exploit white supremacy much to the detriment of the country's involved and the USA itself.

I would personally go as far as to say the Western world as a whole as not come to terms with the inherent harms of white supremacy as a means of force production and influence.

@domos we all find what we are looking for including myself and the authors of this video.

@Lorajay calling out America's participation helps the Ukrainian people by making them mindful of mistakes to avoid going forward... And it helps the American population even more by giving us an accurate understanding as to how we keep f** s*** up!!

@Lorajay I think the biggest mistake you crane made was not aggressively trying to unify Ukrainian and Russian cultures in peoples... Before Russia began its disinformation campaign.

I am personally suspicious if Russia did not prevent Ukrainians who wanted a more unified culture from gaining influence in order to facilitate this power play.

It just goes to show matters of discrimination and cultural divide need to be treated as systems engineering problems and national infrastructure requirements... Not simply social behavioral issues and functions of intentions.

Nations that do not deal with their demons of discrimination are effectively priming themselves for an enemy disinformation campaign and related cyber attacks.

The era in which governments can treat such social issues as items to be kicked down the road without consequence is basically over.


Economically, there is nothing to be gained from invading a poor country that has little or no natural resources. Whilst it may not be the main 'reason' for Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, a look at their natural resources clearly shows that they are not a poor country, far from it.


Russia is not exactly lacking in natural resources itself... It seems more obvious that Russia's decision to invade Ukraine is driven by legitimate concerns of national security due to the encroachment of NATO.

The possibility of long-range weapons being based in Ukraine at the expense of Russia is very similar to long-range nukes being based in Cuba at the expense of the US.

This is also heightened by the fact that Ukraine and Russia are very much historically and culturally tied. The idea of Ukraine being part of NATO is a real contradiction to the historical narrative of Putin and the old garden Russia.

Though personally, I think Russia had other avenues to accomplish their goal and chose the worst one possible.


This video is just Fragments of Facts, DisInfo and Misleading... this's just Putin’s propaganda!

Diaco Level 7 Feb 26, 2022

You are incorrect. Well it is true that the current president of Ukraine is not a Nazi... The foreign policy of the United States has been using this tactics for a long time.

What makes me uncomfortable is the fact that the claims of de-Nazification to turn out to have substance... And at the United States is largely responsible for that.

However I'm going to edit the post to point out that Russia Also has a problematic history of white supremacy. There is mounting evidence to show Russia deliberately target the political right of the United States with pro white supremacy messaging in order to gain their support.

@domos my friend, you mixed all together, it's Not about the Color at all! it's about nationalism and being an independent country. pls read all the comments under that video.

@Diaco There are many comments under that video... You may want to link to specific ones if possible.

Furthermore, I'm not under understanding of this popular argument that nationalism somehow negates racism... Despite a long global history of the exact opposite. Typically, where you have one, you will find the other.

@domos There certainly is a correlation, nationalism and racism are not necessarily the same. In nationalism, it’s creating that us vs them mentality. Just need some group to hate. For example, it was Jews in Germany. In the US, race would certainly be more prevalent.

@Canndue I am glad we agree on that but I strongly disagree with your accusation this is Russian disinformation.

I think you were playing into the hands of America's demons if you cannot substantiate such a claim.

@domos not sure what you are talking about?

@Canndue sorry, I meant that for diaco

@Diaco I am glad we agree on that but I strongly disagree with your accusation this is Russian disinformation.

I think you were playing into the hands of America's demons if you cannot substantiate such a claim.

@domos I can't see we agree on any! and Yep, I stand there, and it's not just me, but the whole world, even Russian ppl. are on that side.

@Diaco this is a post and video focused on America's destructive addiction to white supremacy... It is not in any way ANTI UKRAINE!!!

You are just trolling.

@domos my friend as I said you are wrongly mixing all together, first of all, Ukraine or any other country isn't in a Vacume. all the forces and Powers have effects on other countries. talking about Ukraine and ignoring all about Soviet, Russia, and Europe's history/actions and just focusing on the USA is just and just DisInformation and Misleading. for sure USA had/has some wrong actions, it's so obvious! duh! ( let me know who didn't less or more ). but NOW talking about Ukraine and USA, even NATO like this is just Putin Propaganda! most of the Hates/Loves are Reactions again another action. again it's not about color or race at all. Pls. BE SMART.

@Diaco This post was about the explicit use of white supremacist groups to support Ukraine enabled by the United States.... The United States could have used other means to provide you crane the equivalent support that didn't involve empowering self-proclaimed Nazis.

Your understanding about racism is clearly too simplistic to grasp the present realities and consequences that prove that white supremacy is an unwieldy tool of power projection in the modern era.

Not a single aspect of what has been said requires the entire history and context of Europe to be ignored.


The fact of the matter is, while Putin foolishly tried to dismiss the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government using an argument of Nazism. After all, all Russia had to do was provide good evidence of the genocide.


It seems that the type of nationalism in Ukraine is quite racist

@domos I don’t know how racist the Ukrainians are. I suspect there is some everywhere, not just by whites. The few people of color I saw interviewed said they were always treated well before the war. Now, fighting age POC are trying to flee when the Ukrainian men are required to fight, easy to understand how people get testy, specially considering the heightened emotions.

@Canndue what's easy to understand?

How can a government force or manipulate nationals from another country to fight on their behalf?

@domos they can’t, but tell that to the folks fleeing without their loved ones and border workers sensitive to that. If you can’t see that…what can I say. Trying to insert racism into a bigger crisis is just a bullshit move…

@Canndue I think you're assuming the racism is being inserted instead of already being present.

What makes the Ukrainian nationalism exempt from international law? And how would that not apply to the madness coming from Russia?

It seems to be a premeditated policy to coerce non-white Ukrainians into a situation in which they have to assist with the war effort.

Apart from the obvious racism... That's a humanitarian violation in itself.

All because Russia's invasion is madness doesn't mean that Ukrainians are without fault.

@domos no one is without fault. But innocents are dying…

@Canndue Innocents are always dying... What about these innocents being white, European, Ukrainians, or whatever makes them different than any other innocence that have been dying non-stop over the last several decades....

People know they are treating the situation with Ukraine differently and they don't want to admit why.

It's because they are white, because it's easier for white people around the world to relate to other white people which is a testament to how morally and ethically underdeveloped our species still is.

At the end of the day, the evil of war is the same no matter who's being affected by it.

@Canndue also,
Why fleeing Ukrainians get a warmer welcome in Europe than other refugees []


I believe Ukraine has a Jewish President.

BD66 Level 8 Feb 25, 2022

And America had a black president... How does that relate to whether far right extremism and white supremacy is a irrelevant factor in tragic outcomes?

I suggest you try watching the video and rephrase your point to be more relevant and understandable.

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