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Interesting bit of stock market news.
It seems that although the world oil price has shot up, it is not benefitting Russia because traders are hesitant about buying it due to concerns about being able to ship it.

Petter 9 Mar 2

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I hadn't thought of that, and you are correct..... it is great news.


OTOH, makes it really expensive to drive a car now.

Your oil prices are far lower than ours. Fuel here is at least $2 a litre, and $2.50 on motorway stations.

@Petter I think gas has always been more expensive in Europe. When I lived in Germany in the '80s we had coupons to use at local gas stations to offset the price. Gas on base was about what we'd pay in the US.

High fuel prices are a direct result of this administrations attempt to shut down US domestic production by blocking pipelines and stopping leasing on federal land. It’s probably not going to get better unless we wake up and start producing more oil and gas here at home.

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