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This is brilliant. If you are in Europe, or have connections there, please help to get this message into social media there.

mcgeo52 8 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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With their assets being frozen and the Russian stock market collapsing, some of the oligarchs might be forced to join the army so they can go to Ukraine and surrender.


Historically there has been a lot of immigration to different countries because of the lack of work. People need to work in order to live, they will do what they need to do to live. If they eventually run out of food they will go where they think food is. The military is a means to feed your family, at least until you are shipped off and killed. But what else does one do when there is nothing else to do.
If there is a means to live better somewhere else the military people of the Russian army are going to go where they can live better. Join the military, or get joined to the military invade Ukraine and when offered another means to live take it. Once the war is over one can send back for their family. Life can be a bitch, make the best of it.


Stunningly brilliant, both the Ukranian idea & Bo!!!!!!




Incredible humane idea, and if it can happen, maybe Putin can be defeated.

There is no way Putin can capture and hold Ukraine without destroying the Russian economy.

It's not a question of if Putin will lose, but how soon and with how many casualties. This idea could definitely shorten the war and cut the casualty count.

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