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Happy Pi Day!

Organist1 8 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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To counteract the wild celebration of pi day I decided to do some fitness training.

I'm up to the 31 decimals of pi which is the one before the first zero.

Tau's that.


may your radius be squared and your dreams be irrational.


As a humanistic wedding officiant, I seem to attract a few science and math nerds who want to get married, some of whom choose Pi day for their wedding date. This is the first year that I can remember that I haven't had a wedding on March 14th. I even had one that started at 1:59pm, haha!


I'mcelebrating with a spaghetti squash, cheese and tomato pie!


Thanks for the reminder. A day easily overlooked. Had an idea and, just as I figured it is celebrated by, mathematicians, scientists and math lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day.
Oh, and I forgot, bakers []

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