If you know any elderly individual who has difficulty with their mobility, might be a good idea to suggest to them getting a cane or a walker. Came home from work today to find my one neighbor bent over behind his car looking like he was talking to himself. Turns out he was talking to his elderly father who had taken a fall on the pavement, his father is a Korean War veteran in his late eighties... not good. Now, my neighbor isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack, and he was pretty much standing there over his father not knowing what to do. I went to help him help pick up his father off of the wet ground, and when it became clear to me he wasn't going to be of much help I just picked his dad up and helped him get into the car so he could be taken to the hospital. He didn't look good, hope he pulls through, I've known other elderly people who had taken serious falls and shortly after it usually contributes in some way to their death.
Anyways, if you know someone elderly with mobility issues encourage them to invest in a walker or at least a cane, as falls of that sort can be extremely dangerous to such individuals.
Thank you for raising this issue!
My wife is gerontologist who works with the elderly, both in an assisted living setting, as well as with those who wish to stay at home, helping them to remain independent as long as possible. In the United States, where families are often geographically dispersed, and many seniors are living on their own at home, there is a growing problem of seniors who are in need of assistance.
I echo Spike Talon’s concern here. Please be mindful of your neighbors who are getting on in years and may not even realize they need a little help. This is not a political view, nor is it a religious one.
Yes. I've heard several Doctors say when the elderly fall it often causes a broken hip, and that usually brings on a much shorter life expectancy.
When my father died he had four walkers and three canes which is never really used. It seems the veterans hospital kept giving him walkers and canes, but he didn't really need them.
We sold them on craig's list, along with other things which helped make up the difference between what he saved to pay for his funeral and what it actually cost. Anyway, if you are looking for walkers, you might check out craig's list, as I am sure we aren't the only one who find no need for them after their elderly relatives have passed.
I prepaid for my funeral so my daughter won't have to worry about it.
No muss no fuss only about $1200.
Cremation, not burial. No service, no ashes, no nothin'.
@AtheistInNC My parents and three of my five siblings are Mormon. The Mormon church is against cremation. They think cremation will make it harder for god to resurrect them when Jesus comes back, or something like that.
I think that way back when some church leaders held shares in a cemetery that was selling burial plots.
I can't understand how people say there are gods, but the gods are so limited.