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Just did a quick price check and costing for Evangeloons t.v. mast and new antenna,
3 x 3.5 metre lengths of steel tubing, industrial strength, each MUST slide neatly and easily inside the previous , top 2 section to have 'shoudlers welded to them near the top of the section to accommodate triangular Guy wire plates,
2 x 3/4 of an inch thick triangular Guy wire plates, with centre cut out to facilitate sliding them over the tubing sections and attaching u-brackets x 6,
6 x 1/4 inch stay wire Guy plates, triangular in shape,
1 base plate with shaft affixed with diameter to suit inside of base of antenna mast plus a minimum of 1.8 metres extending beneath it so as to embed it and concrete it in to ground.,
minimum of 30 metres of 75 ohm co-axial antenna cable and fittings,
3 x kilogram cartons of 2.5mm mild steel electric arc welding electrodes not that I will need that many but what he does NOT know won't him,
1 saddle bracket,
Plus a roll of high tensile Guying cable, approx. 1/8th of an inch in thickness, a minimum of adjustable stay clamps and bolt on cable clamps for attaching guy wires to mast, etc.
Plus my fees @ 35.90 per hour, minimum hourage calculated at 7 - hours,
given present costs for steel tubing, etc, the entire job should round out at an estimated cost of approx. 621 dollars plus change.

Triphid 9 Mar 14

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You forgot to add in a the cost of a laborer/s and installation as well as the rental of a machine to dig. Every little bit of extra you can add is worth it. Don't forget to play up your "weakened condition" and you need payment in advance.
I would love to see the look on his face when you present the bill. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Mar 14, 2022

A yes I did, thank you for reminding me, $ 35.90 per hour seems fair given my qualifications as a welder, etc, from the years on the Railways.

Oh, I will NOT be handing him the account, that will be handled LEGALLY to save problems such as "Oh I seem to have not received your account as yet," etc, etc,.
See I know full well how he operates when it comes to HIM having to outlay money to or for anyone EXCEPT himself.

@Triphid You might try stringing him along for a while. Give him a little taste of his own medicine. Remember he agreed to mow your yard and didn't. Reap what you sow. In other words KARMA. 🙂

@Betty You sure we are not related by being from the same eggs and sperm, I was mulling the same thing over whilst enjoying my afternoon coffee and watch him run around frantically TRYING to get all his tools, etc, in out the rain.
My biggest and best well-earned Belly laugh came from hearing him cry out, " God, Jesus why are you doing this to me, no power, no lights, can't recharge my mobile phones batteries, can't cook a meal, why me, why me "

@Triphid I knew there was a good reason I enjoyed your stories so much. I would have loved to have seen that. 🙂

@Betty LOL, Mother Nature has just stepped in, it is now raining cats and dogs, well metaphorically cats and dogs so to speak so NO work can commence on re-establish electricity to his house whilst there is thunder, lightning and rain coming down in buckets.
And a quick sneaky look over the fence just told me that the sea level in the Evangeloon Sea is steadily rising because the rain from yesterday has NOT been able to either soak in or run off because in his 'wisdom' LOL big time LOL btw, when he first moved here we were suffering from a drought that had already been going on for about 3 years so he dug the ground level in his yard down by an AVERAGE of about 18 - 20 inches in most areas and now has created his version of the Sea of the Galloping Idiot.
My quick estimate is that he now has about 5-7 inches of water in a pool the size of an average back-yard almost surrounding his house.
I suppose if he gets bored then he always PRETEND to go fishing in his Sea of the Galloping Idiot...LOL.

@Triphid Oh my! I hope his stupidity doesn't affect the surrounding properties. He is truly a menace. I wonder if his "god" will give him a cold. 🙂

@Betty We live in hope even if we must die in despair so the saying goes.

@Triphid I would distribute the blame for weather and say “Ma and Pa Nature stepped in.”


All those costings are at Retail price because that is what anyone else would be charging him, but I get stuff like that, etc, at Wholesale prices which save me money that I can then pass on to OTHER people that I help from to time BUT in the case of Evangelidiot, well as it says in their vaunted book, " the Lord helps those who help themselves" and who am I to agrue or go against such wisdom....LOL.

You are a kind person but he has not earned kindness of any kind, so stick it to him. 🙂

@Betty Hey when HE gets my Bill he will think he has been "shafted" by a runaway train.

@Triphid Only a train? lol

@Betty I was being a gentleman with that comment btw...LOL.

@Triphid He doesn't deserve the gentleman side of you. Still, I'm glad you are sticking to your morals. He doesn't deserve you as a neighbor. 🙂


Triph, I hope the Loon is paying rent for the space he occupies in your head.

That is okay, I've included that extra cost in my Quote already.

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